Ringing or planetside PTSD ????

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Diilicious, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Diilicious

    okay so strange title, but does anyone else after a long play session of planet side still hear the sounds after they finish playing, the ones i hear is like the buzzing of terminals or scythe engines, or the distant whistling of dalton shots...

    O_O it might just be me though..
  2. Jubikus

  3. Pikachu

    Never happened. However, last night I dreamed I was on Esamir and found like 5 snowmen.
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  4. Goldmonk

    Your character is actually you and you are in the matrix, but you are still connected to your character and you hear everything he is doing, but he is actually you so he may hear what you are doing when you finish.....or is he the one in the matrix who is merely trying to get you to help him in the form of familiar sounds.....my brain has jsjfdksh ahfha;fh.......
  5. SarahM

    It could be Lupus Tinnitus.

    I am not a doctor or other medical professional, this is not a diagnosis, yadda yadda...
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  6. Call-Me-Kenneth

    i lower the volume as much as i can when facing the VS, their weapon sounds are perfectly fine if you are playing VS, but the impact sounds of their weapons are absolutely ********. having to hear them for 20+ minutes on a medium fight with a lot a back and forth action will mess with your head.

    and no, im not exaggerating, i've had really bad migraines because of it, and i don't even get headaches...

    as far as PTSD goes, no that's not it.

    it is possible to get some but it wouldn't have much to do with sound. more with spatial unawareness. running into a room only to get killed from the back when you didn't expect it can leave a lasting impression. still far from real PTSD.

    maybe if you are really young and not used to video games... i still have nightmares about plying Wolf3d back on the day... got killed by a **** entering a room, was a shoot on the back of the head. and yeah, i know it sounds silly, but keep in mind you were raised with all this technology as something normal, that first time i played wolf3d was the first time i played a video game other than bowling on the atari.

    edit: really the word n a z i is blocked by the filter? how else am i going to say "******* ****"? DBG, i am dissapoint.
  7. Sebastien

    Too much drugs
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  8. Diilicious

    I was really, deeply.. hoping that it wasnt just me...

    now im like "aaah **** its just me, aaa im ******"

    obviously PTSD is hyperbolic in this instance. but I mean i do hear not clearly like im playing the game but.. wow its really odd, >.> im not crazy right?

    wow the more i read of my posts the more i think "its time to stop posting now... :rolleyes:" >.>

    v.v send help.
  9. Alkasirn

    Never happened to me specifically with PlanetSide 2 but it seems closely related (if not the same) as this.
  10. Donaldson Jones

    Aural hallucinations are pretty common for me, but I'm on a large number of psyche meds. In order to sleep I have to be wound down by medication or I'll stay up for 2 or 3 days until I pass out.

    If you are hearing a ringing or some mono-tonal (hum) noise that is probably your hearing being hurt, if you hear near speech or muddled or a sudden loud voice that is almost discernible especially as you start to fall asleep or under stress then..well.. I'm not a doctor but knowing what I know now...I'd be concerned.
  11. Iridar51

    Lol I remeber how I was after completing entrance exams into the university. I had about 10 months of intensive studying prior, so when I was finally done with the exams, I was whispering mathematic formulas myself to sleep.

    Dedicate enough time / attention to anything, it will pattern your thoughts. Seems normal to me.
  12. Abraham with Cheese

    When Planetside 3 comes out on Oculus (or equivalent), or all war games in general, an entire generation of gamers will suffer from PTSD without ever having served in actual combat.
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  13. Obscura

    I don't think so, PTSD in real soldiers is from their lives being constantly in danger and watching their friends and others die, and being in real pain, it's real. Even on the occulus rift, peoples brains will be able to differentiate the video game danger from it being real danger unless the person is very delusional, thats the way I see it.
  14. Colonelveers12

    Play RO2 or Verdun, those are real PTSD simulators. I still get legitimately terrified when I hear the *WHOOSH* (insert actual sound effect here) of flamethrowers.
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  15. stalkish

    Ive had that, if my sound was too high and i played for too long.

    The other thing i get is constant dreams im in a war of some kind, and its a repetative dream in the same setting.
    I can only attribute that to being addicted to Planetside 2 and its predecessor for the last decade and a half.
    I dont mind these tho. They often become lucid so are kinda fun.
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  16. Inu

    I used to get this when i was younger. What really set it off was when i was playing Half-Life and when you died, the suit heart rate buzzer-beep noise. Sometimes i'd die over and over just to try something out so it got quite frustrating. Then i realized i was hearing it just random times of the day.

    Typically only after a REALLY long play session.
  17. Diilicious

    yea.. i do binge on the game sometimes, and i do have it.. well, not that loud but .... okay maybe it is... i need it loud to hear all the one hundred scumbag infiltrators creeping up on me. and then... i forget to turn it down because i get too stuck in.. its not loud enough for me to feel like its hurting, like.. uh.. well i hate clubs and things like that because my ears ring for days afterwards.

    its not so much a constant ringing just like for a few hours after i stop playing i might hear some of the ingame sounds very faintly, (since i only have headphones, and when im not playing i dont have them on, so its silent)
  18. TheFlamingLemon

    Immersion goals
  19. Moz

    I will sometimes here stuff as im drifting off to sleep... its really wierd..... almost like "falling off the curb" but i will hear a doorbell in my head for example.

    If i have been playing PS2 for an extended period i sometimes get an explosion or gunfire in my head but only when dozing off.

    Im weird.... But not as weird as you OP \o/
  20. SteelMantis

    That was my first thought as well. I have a sound in my right ear (like a gnat stuck on my ear drum [sounds vary case by case]) almost daily. I think my time in the service may be the original cause but gaming (especially with headphones) can aggravate it.

    While tinnitus is certainly not the worst medical condition in the world it is also no joke and can lead to hearing loss. I would recommend keeping your sound turned down to the minimum enjoyable level and having a doctor check your hearing.