Ridiculous...Press play redirects me to create a new account?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Zok, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Zok

    maybe our launchers are not grabbing the patch?
  2. Reizod

  3. sebo

    i dont think its the patch... i downloaded it, played for a bit and left to eat.. 20 mins later went to login and broke.. i think something with the login server is down. this game needs some redundancy.. do they not know how to do that???
  4. Killuminati C

    Yeah I keep getting to about 90% and then get booted to the create a new account screen as well. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the small depot patch they mentioned in the official news and announcements section of the forums as it wasn't happening last night. I couldn't tell you why the two would be related though. Hopefully we'll see it acknowledged sometime soon.
  5. mesaman

    Hopefully I didn't mess anything up because it wanted me to download the PS2.exe and do an install...which, after some frustration, thought it may be necessary. Got about 1/3 of the way through and found this thread, signed up to the forum.
  6. RailFury

    Same as many, loads most of the way up kicks me to the PS2 create account website. Great :\
  7. Zok

    i am going to take the time to make my forum profile better lol
  8. sebo

    think they rebooted the ipad servers.. working for me now..
  9. mesaman

    Huh, seems like I may have screwed up bad. The game now wants me to pick a new server and whole new profile. Not cool.

    EDIT: Game works for me now; all is good!
  10. WhatMeWorry

    I sure am glad (kinda sick, I know) that I'm not the only one. This is getting old, this game being down. I left for quite a few months because of gameplay modifications/decisions and other play problems, came back about a month ago hoping things were better....
  11. FanofSony

  12. Myrun

    since patch, cannot get in. *grumble*
  13. Zok

    fixed for me just a heads up. doesnt fix the fact that i leave for work in 10 minutes tho. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!
  14. NCiceman

    Confirmed, issue seems fixed now; I was able to log in about an hour later.
  15. GroovyGoo

    Just happened to me again, And random discount while flying my mosie. The hole start a new account thing has happened 23 times to me today. I've been able to get after trying over and over. But if it continues I'm just gonna go play something else when I have free time.