I have 400 Certs atm and am wondering . max rank healing tool , eg wait 100 more , or get rez nades , wat u thinkin
I'd say Rez nades, healing tool is all well and good but rez nades is just that much more. This is in my opinion mind you.
Reviving grenades are utter ****. They are so situational that in real situations frags are so much more useful.
The healing tool, one level under max, still rezzes at 80% health and fairly quickly. You could go for the grenades just to have them and hope to find a situation to use them in. It would give you another way to get some certs and extend the rez range a bit since you can throw them. The max healing tool is nice, but if you are planning to have a max healing tool AND rez nades at some point anyway, might as well get the grenades now and start stocking up on them. 80% healing is pretty good as it is.
Medictool. - Rezing becomes much faster. - Range increase as well. - The Mates will be at full health. - Because of fully rezed Mates, you do not need to wait! What does a Rez Gren do? Half Health in Rooms, only full of enemies. There are People who do that in Biolabs and strut in Forums how much EXP the get. If you play for cheap Certs, you can join them. If you want to win with your team take the Medictool.
Max healing tool is probably the best investment any medic can make, and should be bought before 95% of other things. That said, before saying what to buy, I would ask more about how you play Do you play Medic 100% never touching other classes? If you only play Medic for 10% or less of your playtime, then Rank 5 will suffice for the time being, but definitely get rank 6 sooner rather than later. If you play multiple classes evenly, do you have a Shotgun unlocked? Do you have an SMG for your infiltrator (if you play one) Do you have the rocket launcher of your choice? IMO, getting all the "basics" for all classes sorted is more important than getting the "nice-to-haves" on 1 class, so you can hop from class to class depending on the situation.
what Elsewhere and sirlBON said. plus rez granades don't revive max units and with a max certed tool they have more life when revived. if you play most of the time medic get the tool. on the other side you can unlock the grenades and use all the ressources that would be unused (if you don't need them for other purposes). but if you would use the grenades a bandolier would be the next thing to buy. running around with only one rez grenade is meh. in the end you still have to use your tool.
Revive grenades (with grenade bandoliers) makes for an epic win as a medic. While the grenades are most effective in enclosed areas (like biolabs, where there are plenty of corpses to boot), they can also be used outdoors when there's a dead guy too far to reach safely. So fun and hilarious as a bonus.
The trouble with people who "cant be reached safely", is that if you throw a rez grenade to them, whatever was making it unsafe to get to them, will probably just kill them again. Sure, you get Rez xp, but it doesn't really help the situation much. The main situation I find rez grenades useful, is when you get a whole group of allies taken out at once, with a c-4 or similar. You kill the LA and you want to get all of them back up as quickly as possible.
Rez nades are good in any situation, when a body is too far away or that way is full of bullets. For example: .......enemies wall ..bridge ..wall ||||||||||||||====|||||||||| you ...........bodies In this case running towards those bodies will get you killed. And if not, it will take some time to get there and then to revive them all will healing tool. Nades would make that much easier, faster and safer. When attacing somethig, i often find myself in situations like that. Though, healing tool might be more reliable investment, that will come in handy for sure.
Truth be told, I would rather see the Resurrection Grenade removed from the game since it's used primarily to farm experience more than anything else. The only times I've ever seen it used were in situations where the individuals resurrected had absolutely no chance of living and were taken out the moment they stood back up. There has got to be another medic oriented concept for a grenade that could be used that isn't just an experience farming tool...
If you get killed, then the place isnt save to revive mates. think about it. You will get less EXP, as i wrote in my first post, but your mates wont hate you for being a fool. i hate i get rezzed, give the enemy ~35exp and have to wait again. Do not staying the whole time im the spawnroom, while the others die outside and trowing rezgren, then you will find you much less often in Situation in that you can use it in this mass.
Go for the tool first, then the nade. It will be useful, sometimes you will wish you didn't use it, but it can save the day. It can save LA that are dead in good positions for example, or other useful things. But the tool is great!
Situations can be realy different. For example. Capture point in a building. You are defending with lower amount of pople. There's 10 second untill attackers capture this autpost if they regain controll over capture point. Your group kills a group of enemies, but only you survive. Distance from enemy sunderer to the point is lower then distance from spawn point. So there's a pile of corpses right at the capture point and a stream of enemies. You can instantly ressurectet allies with nades and then heal with aoe. You can ressurrect them 1 by one with medic tool. Or you can not anger them by ressurecting them in a dangerous plase. The whole point of nades is speed and distance at wich ressurection occures. If a player can use that wisely, it can be a very powerfull support tool. If a player can not - it doesn't mean that the tool is bad.
they need to make the rez grenades back to 100% health as they were before instead of 50% health. 50% health and no shield when you stand up is 1 bullet death. at least with 100% health and you stand up and are shot once, you can somewhat react and do something. give us back our 100% health from rez grenades.
max out the healing tool, there is a bonus of XP from having it maxed out, just like the engineer tool and just like the infiltrator tool, they all work the same way. the more certs spent into it the more XP is given back. max out the healing tool and you will get your rez grenade very fast. maxed out healing gun, maxed out engineer gun, working on maxing out infiltrator tool because that is insane maxed out.
The problem there is how overpowered it is for the enemy to have several infantry soldiers suddenly resurrected from the dead with full health. This is why I loathe the grenade itself, either it's overpowered...or it simply isn't used that often for anything other than to farm experience from soldiers that have little chance to do anything upon being resurrected because the Medics doing so are tossing them into no-hope situations. It just makes me wonder if there's not something better that could be done. Just off the top of my head, I was considering a three pulse healing grenade. Essentially, you toss it into the desired area and it will pulse a healing wave that restores X amount of health within X radius from the grenade three times before expiring. I'm sure, however, how this would play out balance wise...but it would be a grenade you toss into a room before your group charges in...ensuring that your infantry last longer than those of the enemy. Still, that might come with completely new problems that I'm just not thinking about.
Max tool for Medic and Engineer should be top priority for those classes. In the case of medic, your healing and rez ability are maximized. Especially nice that you can fill the rez bar then just walk away and the target comes up with full health. Rez grenades are nice, especially when you need to pick up a bunch of allies but still want (or need) to keep your gun out. While you can just let those allies die again, covering them with gun ready and activating your area heal ability after they stand up will be more beneficial to your team. They are extremely useful in organized play and can turn a wipe into a win. But in order to make them really shine I feel you need Grenade Bandolier and your area heal ranked up. Possibly a gun with smoke launcher. Tool should be your first buy.