I don't know why I didnt pick this up earlier. But this is my 3rd favorite burstie in the game. A solid 4hsk and 3rnd 750rpm burst. It packs 10+ kills into one mag. better accuracy than the original and convenient two click kill. it's controllable recoil and access to both a forward grip and high velocity ammunition makes it very versatile.It embraces its predecessors midrange roots with the added benifit. At close range its similar to the original but far outclassed by the Cycler TRV and at the longest ranges the The Sabr-13 gets the job done but for the extra reliability over its look alike sister. It is a steal at only 100certs Not to mention the ammo conservation and noob-friendly handling. If youve got a few certs or some time, I reccomend you try and/or buy this gun. Make a note though, the NC and VS equivilants are far different in reality and I strongly believe TR got the best Burst options this round. Leave a commwnt or a like, I hope you enjoyed. Be sure to check out my coming reviews! Thanks for Reading and as always have fun -Joexer
They share the same special perks but only real difference is horiz.recoil on t1b drops by 2 tiers, but only 1 on nc/vs versjon. Basically the t1b is more radically different from the default than nc/vs. Even though they also are straight upgrades, on the T1b this is just utterly ridicolus. Then put a fgrip on it and your down to about 0.14/0.14 at 750 rpm. Cant be beat, just no way
i did really well with the saber last week now not so good, Using the saber 600min it nearly impossible to control, and if you fire at a slower rate unless there determined to stand there and slug it out with you they will escape. but my experience with planet side 2 from when this game started is the devs really never make up there minds about any thing. so maybe one day the saber will be really good again. my advice for new players is practice with the TRV you can use that gun for all purposes if your skilled.
Because of this thread I got inspired to trial each of the 100 cert burst fire ARs and I was pleasantly surprised, I had already used the T1B when I first started out and had fond memories of it because if helped me relearn how to acquire targets when ADSing (the only first person shooter I had played a lot recently was Starwars Battlefront 2 in first person mode which messed up my aiming skills a lot) The T1B was as good as I remember it, the Equinox Burst was pretty accurate, and the Gauss Rifle Burst was a whole better than expected. When I used each of the guns I had a lot of fun and after using them for a bit I was effective as I normally am, then again I do have a bit of a soft spot for burst fire guns, especially when they don't have any delay between bursts like they do in this game.
i actually just arauxiumed the Gauss rifle burst about half an hour ago and it's a great way to train you to shoot better but the second i started using another assault rifle the Gauss rifle s, it felt like everything was right in the world I just had to control my bursts and the world was wonderful (it doesn't hurt the s is perfect for my play style) i have a question for everyone what ranges do all of you play with your bursts? and what set up's do you use? im curious.
close-mid range(15-50m) fore grip, Flash suppressor and 2x scope. Hv ammo if im feeling right. Thanks for the input guys!(and girls if there are any)
one problem with this gun the grouping is pretty bad. First shots on target the rest are shooting at planes ( " ) ( " ) that is what the group looks like ( " ) This is good at close range like 50m because it will put a bullet in some ones head but when you go out to long range this gun is terrible. if you plan on shooting longer ranges id recommend just using the T1 cyler and the NS-11A, the NS-11 seems under powered but it a tad more accurate the T1 and it got very high velocity bullets which will make it excel out to 100m though I probuly just go the T1 just for more damage per second.