Revenant and HEAT

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schwiizer, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Schwiizer

    Today I unlocked the Revenant. (Derective vanu battlerifle)
    I knew the infiltrator can't use it, and that bothers me. The reason should be well-known, because i think it got disscused enough already.

    I opened that threat because it hasn't Heat-mechanics. Why? I thought every vanu auraxium weapon gets it? Do they add it or does it stay like this?

    Another thing: Why can't we adjust the auraxium weapon the way we want it? Shouldn't they be better or at least the same like the normal ones. And then the only thing we can change is the scope...

    What do you think about that?
  2. Popper100

    The Revenant doesn't have and shouldn't have heat mechanics because it can be used on the Engineer, which already provides it with unlimited ammo. Coupled with a 20 round magazine the thing is in a fine spot, considering it is part of one of the non-es weapon classes.
  3. eldarfalcongravtank

    i hope you're aware that the revenant battlerifle is still a poor man's weapon for longrange combat. the infiltrator scout rifles are pretty much straight upgrades to it and you should stick to them if you plan on fighting at longer range.

    that being said, all battlerifles suck in this game -- a heat mechanic wouldnt remedy that. you're actually better off and much more effective using a vanu longrange automatic weapon (pulsar c, flare/ursa, corvus) for non-infiltrator class setups than sticking to a battlerifle
  4. Vixxing

    Well i kinda like the Eidolon to pick of snipers with, when they harass me when i setup AV-turrets...
  5. Schwiizer

    Sure the battlerifles are not as good as the scout rifles. While playing them I fell in love with the vandale, it's a really awesome weapon!

    And sure, the engeneer can use the battlerifles, but also the medic and the HA. And btw, the Eclipse has HEAT too and is the weapon for the engeneer. So your argument is invalid! As long as other weapons get it, every or none of them should have heat!

    If the engeneer could use the scoutrifles i would use it and not the eidolon. But he can't. Personally I think the weapons shouldn't be bound to the classes, but they wont change that too so i have to use what i can, and so the battlerifle is sometimes the better alternative for me than an other weapon.