Returning vet looking for TR outfit

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Penty, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. Penty

    Planetside 1 and 2 vet returning after a hiatus. My TR in level 79.

    Not looking for hardcore but certainly organized and most importantly active, friendly and with a mature sense of humour. An over 21 outfit preferred but not required. Happy to use TS, Vent or Mumble.

    No `active` outfits with 5 people in them please :)
  2. EagleEyeFoley

    Try 1TR or 903. Both of those should fit what you are looking for
    • Up x 1
  3. Penty

    Thank you sir.
  4. Aetrix

    I'd do terrible things for the chance to run in Penty's squad one last time.
    • Up x 1
  5. penandpencilman

    What makes you a vet?
  6. Tshapedvisor

    Penty it's Ock add me in game we need to catch up.
  7. Slayer Of Tacos

    This is what makes Penty a veteran(,) mother****er. Experience. Alcohol, and planetside jokes so dated you have to hang up the phone to download them.
    He also made this back in the day, still funny as ****.