Hiya, I've started playing PS2 again last week after a long break, something like 3 year long break. I had a look at lots of tutorial and youtube videos about the construction system and I totally understand how to gather ressources, build a silo and a base with turets and so on. What I dont understand is what is the point of doing this? It seems like something which will take a long time but could potentially be uselses if base ownership flips all the time? The other thing is, I sometimes see during alerts "faction whatever just gathered 10k and got victory points (+ I think I get 1k xp also every time) and I have absolutely no idea what that is ? TLDR ; 1. What's the point of making a base? 2. What's the thing we get during allerts if we gather 10k ressource? 3. Is there anything else to do with the new construction system other than build a base or gather ressources? Thanks,
1 and 2: When you build a player base, you can place a HIVE inside it. The HIVE consumes the harvested resource, Cortium, and when it has consumed 10,000, it generates a Victory Point. When a faction has earned 20 Victory Points, they lock the continent. 3. They are going to add artillery that you can build in your base which will cover a large area around the base, making it a good defensive tool to either defend your HIVE or place at a strategic location to hold down a lattice lane, or even to put near an enemy base so you can siege it.
nice one, thanks a lot, that makes sense (I wonder why none of youtube tutorial videos never explained it in such a simple way?) (FYI last video I watched, the guy was saying his outfit was full of noobs so it was a good thing to send them to gather and make base, that made me laugh heh)
some additions: you get xp for your faction refining that 10k also(as in every time that 10k mark is hit you get xp regardless of if you helped), and bonus xp for being in prox of an active HIVE when you do anything that generates xp. bases, with or without a hive, can make attacking/defending a hex much easier. i often will take a wall ( as in buy a wall from silo and keep unplaced) and toss it down for a temp defensive position while tanking even. there are Victory points distributed based on HIVEs owned/in use, so it plays into keeping the enemy from closing a continent to have them even if youre not trying to close it yourself
I dont like the building system first i thought it was about building extra protection for already placed bases but what i saw is people building a f*cking hive as close to the warpgate as they can and collect VP's... also attacking the bases is annoying as all hell if you dont have a vehicle they're really just annoying.
placing them next to enemy WG sorta Is the meta. ive had some decent success as a stalker with crossbow, even when alone, its def not impossible though it can be time consuming
boooooooooooooooooriiiiiiiiiing and the fact that thats the meta pretty much proves my point. not to mention i dont have neither maxed out stalker nor a crossbow
@#1 There are a few different uses of player-made bases. 1st of all, it is to generate permanent VPs, the 2nd use is to defend a real base with it, and the 3rd use is to lay siege onto opponents base ( although I have never seen someone doing this, except at the Quartz Ridge, behind those spikes). @#2 "The thing you get" is a victory point. Each time you "process" 10000 cortium with the active hives, you get 1 permanent victory point, and it has nothing to do with the alerts, you will recieve XP and victory points regardless of an active alert or not. In fact, you will recieve 1000 XP for each permanent victory point your faction acquires. For example, if you connect to the enemy warpgate, you will recieve 2000 XP, if you capture all 3 major facilities ( like 3 tech plants, bio labs or amp stations) you will recieve 3 permanent victory points and 3000 XP, 1000 XP for each point. @#3 Look at #1, there are a lot of things you can do with it, it is you who decide what to do with it, so yeah, your imagination is the key factor. People build anti-vehicle turrets on mountains atop of some huge tank fights and support from there. Some use walls to protect their rear from harassers during the tank fights, some build player-made bases to block the road that leads to the real base, that way you effectively defend it by stoping the enemy's advance.
Usually I see construction used to create temporary bases. Several people (likely an outfit) get together and create a huge base. Often in very inaccessible areas, so big battles last until the silo runs dry. It's nice having an outdoor fight without worrying about aircraft.
Also, since noone has mentioned it (or I've missed it) - as our brother, Joshino mentioned in one of his videos, they are going to more or less incorporate base building into existing bases (in some cases). The example he's shown is Ikanam Bio Lab, which will be completely different and will actually be a flat platform for constructions (with tunnels underneath) AND the cap points will be able to be captured by vehicles (which is new). But well - instead of describing "what Joshino said", I'll just link it: