[Suggestion] Restoration kit needs a buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Master, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. Master

    Medical kits are instant HP
    Restoration kits give the same amount of HP over time.

    This makes medical kits better so why should we use the restoration kit?

    I propose the restoration kit also does an AoE heal for your teammates. The amount of the AoE will be weak compared to the medic but it will be something.

    Give people a reason to use restoration kits over medical kits.

    Feel free to list your suggestions to make restoration kits a viable choice.
  2. FateJH

    The health over time can actually be the benefit. With Medical Kits (MKs), you get the healing at once, which means you will always be limited by your HP. With a Restoration Kit (RK), you can use it before you expect to perform a difficult room breach with even high health and survive a few bullets of additional damage beyond what your normal TTK should allow due to the dynamic regenration. It's as if a miniature Nanoweave injection.

    Increasing the health provided by the RKs would just cement this tactic as the primary reason to use them over MKs rather than it merely being a trick that could be performed using RKs. For the purposes of it being an alternative MK, there would also be no reason for it having more than a full HP recovery.

    If we were ever talking about de-buffing the Medical Tool in some horrendous fashion I would have to say Combat Medics get to carry an exceptional amount of Restoration Kits for much more cheaply than other classes and can apply them to other players, offset by the/an amount of uninterupted prep-time using it on another.
  3. Master

    I understand its usefulness now, thank you. It seems its best for shotgun-toting heavies. However with anything else, I personally cant see much value. I'll try this tactic out.