Response to lead dev: "Appropriate outfit size"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RabidIBM, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. RabidIBM

    During the interview with Cyrious, Wrel stated that he thinks there is a "correct" size of outfit, and that's his justification for players having to leave their current outfits to make alliance outfits for outfit wars. Reference at the 22:30 of the video for the question:

    I just want to say that it is not up to the lead dev to tell us that our outfits are the wrong size. If some people want to run a tight knit group of friends that's great. Some a bunch of people want to run a jumbo fit that can create a full platoon in less than 20 minutes, then break off some specialist squads too, that's also great. "What's the right size for the outfit" is a question that each outfit leader needs to answer on their own and Wrel needs to stay in his lane. I'll watch the rest of the interview later, but this actually pissed me off to the point that I stopped watching.

    Final not, this is speak as someone who is a lead in an outfit that he would consider to be "the correct size", we're going to field a platoon for OW, but it stretches us to do it. Even though I'm supposedly favored by his statement, he's still wrong.
  2. FishtacoTERROR

    His comment, as you said, is specifically for Outfit Wars which is comprised of 48 player teams. I don't understand why you're so angry over nothing.
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