resource system just doesn't work

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by direwind, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. direwind

    I dunno, I just don't feel like its working, people don't even take notice of it, or even understand it, they just pick which ever vech they want and roll, the only thing bothering them is the cooldown, you still get mass vech spam wars and the resource does nothing to stop it, and it isnt even worth fighting for it.

    What do you think? i think the planetside 1 version was better, and more refined.
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  2. Kameho

    Im noticing lack of resources as a dedicated liberator pilot quite often.

    Depening on continent your fighitng in. Having to resort to hide in another continuents for 10-15 minutes to get enough resources for a new Liberator.

    Given thats its a ESF hell on the continent my platoon is fighting in.
  3. Katzura

    make sure to starve your enemies of resources and they might try valiantly to scramble tanks and planes, but when they earn 10 resources every 5 minutes they will not be able to keep the spam up for long
  4. guitarxe

    At which point they just roll HA and make you suffer for bringing any kind of vehicle onto the field, so it doesn't really matter.
  5. Sturmhardt

    Totally agree. It's the reason we see the vehiclespam everywhere because everyone can afford a tank or aircraft all the time. With the current gain rate there is no reason NOT to pull a vehicle. Resource gain needs to be reduced.
  6. Flarestar

    People need to stop spouting this. HA spam is only a problem if you're using unsupported armor. HA spam is vastly ineffective against an armor push supported properly.
  7. Radian12

    I personaly notice a huge lack of resources . Infantry(Mines, Max) and Mechaninzed(Tanks, Sunderers)
    Especialy the infantry one limits me the most . Setting up mines eats through your resource really fast.

    Vehicle spam is not really a issue. I will disapear with more and more certing into AV and AA weapons.
  8. Zironic

    I agree. I hardly ever feel limited by resources, in practically all cases it's the cooldown thats the limitation.
  9. Wasdie

    It really only effects people who only use one vehicle over and over. It really helps reduce the spam on them. Last night we shot down the same Mozzy driver 3 times in a row. His acquisition timer must be tiny. Eventually resources would limit him.

    If you don't stick to just one vehicle the whole time, it doesn't really have an effect on you.

    I have had it affect me when I was in sustained infantry fights. Buying explosives and MAX suits drains infantry supply quickly. This can make a sustained fight a bit more difficult to win.

    I think resources need to play into the metagame a bit more. I have no idea how, but right now they are kind of just a limit on spam. If that was their goal then mission accomplished.
  10. BadLlama

    I disagree, I think the problem is people do not have enough certs to put points into the cooldown reduction time as well as implants that reduce vehicle timers (If they bring them back) as it is right now if you pull a vehicle and die that 15 minute cool down is generally a large deterrent then resources. However, once that timer gets taken down to 5 minutes I can see resources becoming heavily effective as the limiting factor instead of the timer as it is right now.

    They should look into making resource's more valuable though, like being able to spend more resources on your vehicle when you spawn it to receive some extra benefits maybe.
  11. Tipsy McStagger

    I agree as well. Rarely am I concerned about resources. The only time I have really noticed is when I am on a Max suit kick and also happen to try and buy grenades. Other than that the cooldown is the only thing that holds me back.

    Resources seem like they need a rebalance. People should starve more often so that capping certain bases becomes more of a strategic move rather than simply moving on the next, closest battle.
  12. Aciada

    other than too many tanks in one place are useless as ou end up with a bunch a the back of the scrum not contributing anything to the fight as there are three or four taking up all the room at the front of the chokepoint, where a few more supporting infantry could help make all the difference.

    However i will conceed that there can never be too many supporting aircraft (unless we are talking about the ******* who fly around crashing and flipping into other friendlies at the warp gate, but thats a whole other issue entirely.)
  13. Warruz

  14. Kaeldian

    Only time I've ever "run out" on resources is when I tried to pull a max a couple minutes after restocking on grenades.... and I run Lightnings and Vanguards in tandom on some days....

    So yah, I would certainly be in favor of reducing the income.
  15. ZombieRommel

    Really disagree here. I spent about 1.5 hours as NC trying to capture the VS Freyr Amp Station on the US East server... we were getting really close when I had my AMS Sunderer parked outside the station... we blew up a bunch of their gens and took their shields down, but they kept repairing over and over. But it was at least a good fight and close. Eventually some air came and blew up my Sunderer. So I spawned in another Sunderer at a nearby outpost to bring it back to the amp station. Unfortunately there was a lone tank lurking around the outpost. I tried to run away but he killed me. So... about 10 minutes later my respawn timer had worn off but I only had 200 of the 400 Mechanized resources I needed to spawn in another Sunderer. The whole time I kept asking people on voice chat to spawn in another one, but nobody did until MUCH later, and by that time the VS had stockpiled a monumental ground and air defense around the perimeter.

    Basically, one little slip-up, and you're screwed. The resources DO limit players who have put in the cert points into the cooldown timers. It makes fighting on a losing continent a slippery slope since your Mech/Infantry/Air income is so low without territory. It encourages the losing sides to abandon the continent.