Yeah so here are the results of the straw poll I posted some time ago. I was hoping we could get it to 100 votes for a reasonable sample size but I guess 67 is better than nothing. If you'd like to cast your vote then you can still do so here Anyway as of now we have gathered: 26 NC votes 23 TR votes 18 VS votes (what's wrong with you VS, don't you care about science?Hypocrites) And the player types: ----------------NC-----------------TR----------------VS Killer---------25%---------------39%-------------44% HIGHEST VS LOWEST NC Explorer----18,5%------------8,5%------------22% HIGHEST VS LOWEST TR Achiever----28,5%----------- 39%-------------33% HIGHEST TR LOWEST NC Socializer--21,5%-----------13%---------------0% HIGHEST NC LOWEST VS(at 0? WTF VS) Yeah so obviously the first thing you're going to notice is that VS has no socializers. Or at least none of them could be bothered to take part in our poll. Either way it seems like VS has the least socializers by far. Another thing which surprised me is that NC actually seems to have the most socializers. Interesting, considering that NC is usually considered the least organized faction. Also I thought NC would have the most killers because hard-hitting weapons are generally considered more skillful and killers like skillcannons. Guess they couldn't resist the call of spandex and disco laser beams. Keep in mind that 67 is still a very low sample size. Help increase the sample size for more accurate results.
You might get better results here That's where most people including devs post stuff.
I see this vote first time now... im VS... and i dont see option for me... Did you try discuse your vote before with players ? There could be more interesting options for vote... Why you need big groups? Big number of small groups is more effective, because every small group THINK what to do = VS
I can tell you that you missed one field type as well "Challanger" the type that seeks those to give them a challange as well as to provide a challange to others. Though out of the ones you did provide I am pretty evenly spread over all the base types.
Props for mentioning your sample size, but could you give us a breakdown of respondents per faction? How many NC, TR, or VS responded? This may help explain why the VS have no socializers. Specifically, while your overall sample size may be 67, which may not generate actual statistical relevance (But is fine for a informal poll), you're effectively dividing your results by three. You're also pulling from all different servers, each of which has their own population dynamics in terms of total players per faction. This can generate statistical noise that could be accounted for with larger sample sizes, but may become distorting at lower sample sizes. Ex: Briggs may have relatively few players of a particular type, but a Briggs player may mention the poll to a few of his buddies and so you end up with Briggs or some other server being over-represented in your sample. Given its low size, this skew can become a problem. Suggestion: This would require more footwork, but you could focus on a servers sub-reddit and make a server specific poll, with the questions I've listed below. Note the delimiter (Q3) is added to the end, so that people don't assume that because they aren't answering it "correctly" that they'll then quit the survey, which would lead to incompletes. You can then choose to delimit by server if you get a large enough sample size, or use the whole sample if you get a smaller sample size. I would recommend posting it in the Emerald sub-reddit, but you could conceivably make multiple posts, so long as you add a exclusivity question (See Q4.) You could simplify or eliminate Q4 if you use something like Survey monkey (Its free and easy to use, last I saw). Questions (Q3 has an ALT, use that if you're only doing one sub-reddit) Q1 "Which faction do you consider your main?" 0. NC 1. TR 2. VS Q2 "[Text Page describing player types]" Which of these player types would you say most fits yours?" 0. Killer 1. Explorer 2. Achiever 3. Socializer Q3. "Which server would you say you spend most of your time on? 0. Server name 1, Server name 2. Server Name 3. Server Name ALTQ3 "Would you say that you spend most of your time playing on the [Server Name] server?" 0. Yes 1. No Q4. "I have never taken this survey before." 0. Yes 1. No ----
I agree. There are also some nuances to be had for different options within the game. For example, When I fly its because I'm going for "Challenger" but when I ground pound, its more of a "Socializer" aspect. Capturing that, however, would require a whole lot more detailed questions, and so asking them would perhaps not see much of a return.
Sorry i know it's kind of late but I was very busy recently IRL. I did give you the breakdown: I do not think that will be necessary as I am not measuring the player types according to server but according to faction (aka which factions attracts which player types) .Some factions may have higher or lower population on a given server but that shouldn't influence the outcome as factions have the same traits and propaganda across all servers. Also as you can see I already have a very small sample size, additionaly dividing it by servers would leave me with very few votes per server which could be too little to draw any conclusions Ex: let's say I got 10 votes from Briggs and all of them are NC killers, does that mean that everybody on Briggs plays NC and is a killer?
Ah. Let me clarify: Yes, you are measuring by faction, and thus some factions may be higher or lower on a given server (This is deviation). Statistically, however, this only smooths out and approaches normal (Meaning its more likely that the slice of players who responded represents the larger population of players) if you have a large enough sample size, which remember, we're effectively dividing by 3 since we have three different factions, who have four possible choices. This forms three separate "Sub-groups" within our sample.. Since you're only doing a simple poll, with no statistical testing, this can be overcome easily by trying to boost your sample size. I suggested using the subreddit for servers because there you can get a more focused response from people. Its also completely viable for you to just use the main Planetside 2 reddit, so long as you capture who is on what server. This lets you then either exclude a server (Such as briggs) if their sample size is too low, or average the percentages if the sample size is large enough. This gives us effectively 12 (3 factions with 4 choices each) bins that people call fall into. Capturing the server and uniqueness of a participant is not an additional set of Bins per se, as we can actually ignore it for our main analysis, it is simply a pair of data point that can be used to verify and collate the data, although conceivably you could make a player's server a point of analysis if you really wanted to. Ultimately, this sort of research design decision will make your results a bit more accurate, and potentially saves you trouble later. But it is your research, so its your call
It's not that we don't care about science, it's that we don't wanna share. I've taken that test while back, and I usually play VS, so go 'head and throw another 'splorer into the VS pool, yeah?