Requesting Anti-materiel Sniper Rifle

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Merakov, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. Merakov

    For those who dont know what an Anti-Materiel means ,its an Anti-vehicle and equipment rifle
    I sniper rifle that is:
    -Deadly to Flashes ,Engi Turrets (from behind the shield) ,Terminals - 2-3 shots
    -A threat to Harassers ,Max Units - 5+ shots
    -An Annoyance to Tanks and Other Vehicles -10+ shots
  2. Tentakewls

    So original, I'm sure noone has asked for this before in thousands of threads.
    Also, no. For reasons, look other threads.
  3. M2_Bradley

    Will you mind pointing me to the 'other' threads?I have not seen any.
  4. M2_Bradley

    Just in case anyone needs a photo,here you go.
  5. Tentakewls

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  6. M2_Bradley

  7. Merakov

    Im not here to be original Im here for improvments to the Sniper sub-class
    SOE has come a long way since any of those threads were posted now when the game can distinguish small arms from exposives etc. it is possible to implement and anti-materiel rifle or ammo.If the system can distinguish that a Max unit is taking dmg from a knife or a small arm and reduce the dmg ,then it should be able to distinguish that is taking dmg from a anti-mat. rifle and increase the dmg.
    This well within the specialty of the Sniper and is far more plausible than C4 or Tank Mine
    And if they want so much "balance" as drawbacks they can do this
    Such rifles are quite heavy - Reduced Movement speed , Increased sway (If not crouching) and ridiculous recoil
  8. WildCatNL

    We got one, its called the Lancer.
  9. Selrahc4040

    I like the idea, but the shot counts would take major balancing. Tankers would be complaining from day one.
  10. Merakov

    SOE once said that they want "better gaming experience" I will hold them to their word for as long as it takes.They have showed that they care what players think on many occasions.
    Yes programing and removing the bugs for such an improvement will take considerable time and by all means let them take all the time they need ,patience is a virtue.I will wait another half an year for the next batch of Sniper rifles.Frankly I havent noticed people stoped crying about everything there are still ragers about snipers being OP etc.
  11. Tentakewls

    I'm guessing you didn't read any of those threads then since the problem is not, and has never been, the implementation.
    Not really, the infiltrator is not the "Anti-vehicle" class so it's not within their specialty.
    All those drawbacks are irrelevant for someone who's going to be standing still, sitting far away ( <--- hint ).
    If you want to take out a vehicle, don't play an infiltrator. If you want an anti-materiel rifle, use the Lancer.
  12. ZeroErrorz

    15 round 5 in magazine, kill max in 2 shot,harasher in 5 ,2 second rechamber, and a velocity of tier 2 bolt action, scope range from 1x to 12 x, as for heavy armor I'd say make it take 5 round if all shot hit the rear 15 if hit the front side,also make ammo belt doesn't affect it
    (just some random idea from my head...)
  13. K2k4

    We got a mid-range anti-material "sniper" rifle sidearm in the crossbow. It's essentially what kind of damage/numbers you would be looking at at the cost of a limited ammo pool. Its velocity is a real draw-back, and the fact that it requires much precision for what it does.

    If they essentially gave us a lancer (which I think would be great for us, but of course the 'it's a tank' crowd wouldn't approve of) that would be undeniably OP.

    What I would like as an alternative.. A T2 sniper crossbow primary weapon that possesses T2 velocity for its projectiles, has the option to sacrifice a great deal of velocity for 'Explosive bolts' which can do moderate damage to armor (we're talking 8 or so shots to kill from the rear, 16-20 from the front) and has the following:
    • 5 base shots per magazine, 4 w/ explosive bolts equipped (30 base ammunition, 24 w/ explosive bolts)
    • Can 1 HS infantry up to 300 meter with regular ammo and only up 1 HS up to 150 with explosive shots
    • Deals AP damage so it can harm up to heavily armored vehicles regardless of their anti flak capability (looking at libs and ESF's here)
    • Velocity 800 m/s (or tier 2 equivalent I don't have the spreadsheet in front of me) or 500 m/s with the explosive bolt.
    • Is restricted to higher power scopes (7x-12x)
    • comes complete with a faction-colored bullet trail for flare. This would make it not as overpowered as it seems when compared to the other tier 2 rifles.
    • No straight pull bolt. This will be the huge differentiation between this and other tier 2 rifles. Also reload times and re-chamber times will be slightly HIGHER than the original tier 2s.
    So think of this in the current environment plus you would also already have the sidearm version of the crossbow available with additional AV support. Combined, that gives you like 100 AV shots or so if you have ammo belt equipped, enough to (assuming every shot hits) take out up to 5 tanks by expending all of your ammunition from short to medium ranges, while still being able to take out regular infantry with your 1 HS kill up to a long medium range without completely overshadowing the normal BASR rifles.

    I'd also like to explain something so people understand why I'm stupid gung-ho about more crossbows. I'm one of those people who basically see anything medieval in the name and just buys it because it sounds cool. If they were to put ANOTHER crossbow in the game I'd buy it in a heartbeat just like I did with the hunter. if SOE reads this, please take not, easy 7.00 for you from me lol.

    TLDR basically I don't think we need a powerful AV sniper rifle option, but if we do I suggest a primary weapon crossbow variant that takes significant amounts of ammo to really take out armor
  14. OldMaster80

    Devs have decided that if you want to harm vehicles you have to switch to another class. We have to live with this.
  15. quatin

    This sounds incredibly op. More so than your give infiltrators mine thread.
  16. Merakov

    I never said that infiltrator being the anti-vehicle class is a specialty I said having a sniper-rifle with the potential of harming vehicles is in the sniper specialty.Also the drawbacks are relevant moving slower gives the enemy bigger chance to spot you plus you cover less ground while cloaked ,increased sway will require you to crouch every time you want to shoot and increased recoil will make follow up shots that much slower and harder.No one will stand there like a ****** after being hit once.When you take a tank and take a hit from a Heavy do stand there for him to destroy your tank or do you start moving?
    I never said I wanted the infiltrator to become and anti-vehicle class but I do want Tanks to think twice before they come after me as it is really easy for them to kill me right now cant outrun them cant kill them
  17. Tentakewls

    Sure, if there was an anti-materiel sniper rifle, it'd be on the infiltrator but that'd make infiltrators the best AV class in the game making infiltrators the AV class.
    You seem to be pretty new at the game so let me just spell it for you:
    1 - More sway is irrelevant on a bolt action rifle. Seems you still don't know you can hold shift to hold your breath. Unless you are also suggesting said anti-materiel rifle be a semi auto.
    2 - Seeing someone cloaked past 30m is hard, and past 60 is very hard. Anything past that you are pretty much invisible, so no, I dont see "moving slower" as an issue as seeing someone at 200m even if he's not cloaked is already pretty hard. Seeing infantry past 300m is impossible
    3 - You don't seem to know the massive problem engi AV turrets have cause in the game, again, probably cause you are new. You may want to check that before suggesting what's basically an improved version of it, being carried by a class that can cloak.
    Except they shouldn't think twice about it because, you know, it's a ******* tank.
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  18. Merakov

    Rofl your rage is kinda funny to see :D It seems we wont get on even ground.Btw Im not new I can see the problem such a rifle poses but balance can be made.But I dont think It will make snipers the best AV class because I did say it would take more than 10 shots to destroy a tank ,More than 5 shots to destroy a Harasser and more than 2 shots to destroy a flash.
    The need for multiple shots ,the empire spec colored trail bullets leave ,the slower movement and increased recoil and maybe reduced magizines like 20 in total will give enough chance for the tank to retilate and also be counter - sniped ,stalked by another infil
    1- I can hold my breath for around 3-4 sec and then have to wait 5 sec before I can hold my breath again
    2- Seeing someone cloak in 15 m range however is extremely easy and with the existance of stalkers it would prove impossible to escape
    3- I dont want a mobile turret in my hands the rifle will be much weaker than the turret ofc
    You seem to misunderstand that I want a f u c k i n g rocket luncher in the form of a sniper rifle...NO I want a rifle which will spend half ,maybe more of its total ammunition just to kill one tank
  19. Lightwolf

    which would be great if only one person a battle had one... But they won't. Same problem as old Saron. Scales too well. Away with ye.
  20. Tentakewls

    What rage? The only one that seems mad is the guy making blatantly OP suggestions because tanks kills him since he refuses to switch kits, then QQs all over the Inf forums with ridiculous suggestions.
    Since you apparently don't get it I'll just tell you. It's never going to happen. Reason is that it'd make infiltrators the best AV class since they'd be able to snipe vehicles from outside render range with no repercussion whatsoever, which would make an anti-materiel rifle a massive upgrade over the rocket launchers, AV Turrets and even the Lancer. Seems you don't understand that this isn't a 1v1 dueling game and that if a guy has a tank a single infantry shouldn't kill it unless he out skills him, and guess what, sitting on a hill at 300m sniping a tank doesn't take any skill at all.
    And you don't seem to have ever played this game as anything but infiltrator. Half it's total ammo per tank? Is that a joke? I wish the lancer could take out a tank using half it's ammo, and you want something that not only does more damage but also has a scope and doesn't have to charge? You seem to be under the impression that a rocket launcher can 1 shot a tank or something. All your statements just make very little sense and show you don't understand much of the game at all:
    1 - You don't ever need to hold your breath for more than a second or two, and when you release your shift key your breath recovers, which means that between each shot, after the bolt is re chambered, your breath is at full again.
    2 - So? Are you going to use a sniper rifle at 15 meters? Why? Also, how do stalkers even factor in any of this? Almost noone uses stalker cloak and if they posed a threat to someone with this rifle they would also pose a threat to anyone with any sniper rifle, which they don't.
    3 - Except all your suggestions make it a better version of the turret since you don't have to find a magical spot to deploy it and would have a much faster projectile, leaving you a lot less exposed than the AV turret. But honestly, I don't even have to answer, I already know this will never happen because SoE already made that mistake with the engi AV turret.
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