in this time has zerg population , it will only last about 4-5 hours. however I just wait for 33 seconds. Waiting time is too fact is without effect .
Instead of punishing faction loyalists who just want to play, they should increase the hell out of the underpop bonus, so 4th factioners would have more of a financial reason to switch to the losing team.
Anyone who has numbers on their side gets accused of being in a zerg these days. Btw I see the actual battle is 1-12 v 1-12...........hardly a zerg, which requires loads of Planetmans on one side being in the same place. And if I'm reading the screen right you are fourth in the queue so you should have a fair bit longer to wait maybe? The queue system stops too many players joining an overpop faction. But it can't stop players logging out from the underpop faction. When this happens the queue gets longer.
I think this guy is on to something. This is already in game. This is most likely the best option. Now im sure this has been at the round table. Who has the balls to bring it up again? Maybe Wrel needs a seat at the table.
What reason would a 4th factioner even have to make a VS character. They can perfectly have NC/TR duo and not really miss out on a lot
You lied, The real situation is 96 v 12 96 v 12 Queuing system only to reach the population standards will work,But actually Not enough people,so Queue system will not work,So the zerg is not resolved.
I agree totally. why am I even able to join a faction that has 40% of population? oh there is queues yeah, just what OP said, 33 sec queue, such an inconvenience... ridiculous.
What about the other half of the game's population that doesn't have accounts on every faction? Do they just play Battlefield if they can't log on to their only faction? Daybreak is trying too hard to punish players for switching to the winning team, instead they need to focus on incentives to get people to play for the losing side. Not letting people play who want to play might be the worst idea ever.
I always found it is easier to find action by playing the faction with the lowest world population. It makes it so just about every fight is against a larger force which allows for more action and less downtime.
The Region box on the screenshot (the size of the "actual battle" referred to in my post) quite clearly says, "Esamir Southern Warpgate Enemies detected 1-12 Allies detected 1-12" This is known as "stating a fact". Saying something else such as, oh, I don't know, "The real situation is 96 v 12 96 v 12" for example is something else.
this connery Physical truth,.U.S. time 7 to 13 a.m. TR has %40 pop in 5-6 hours every day because Queuing system Waiting time is too short does not solve the problem of the Zerg.
Bigger xp incentives for under popped factions should help; you get better results with carrots than with sticks. Have an additional xp bonus for fighting the highest population faction (e.g. so in that picture above an NC person killing a TR guy, would get more xp than if they killed a VS). Add in an additional xp bonus for being under popped in a hex/area on top of that - giving incentive to oppose the zerg.
lol if they dont have it's because they dont want to. yeah for example. if they're gonna play tr or nothing they better play nothing. lol how they do that? and how would you do this? as bad as joining your beloved faction just to find you're only 25% pop? sometimes you won't even have the chance to join any fight. did you try tribes ascend? do you know how team selection works? here it should be the same. you're not forbidding anyone to play their favourite faction, it's just the queue system but implemented as it should. you want to play tr no-matter-what? fine, but you will have to wait untill there is room for you. all balance efforts are focused on encouraging the player to CHOOSE the underpoped faction. well, guess what. since I can choose I will allways join the winning team, I will get more score, more kills, and more fun with it. +30% xp isn't gonna make a difference, nor forcing me to wait half of a minute.
Queuing system time is shortened they fear offending zerg,They are not afraid of losing underpop players?
The thing is: the underpop bonus can be as big as it wants, it wouldn't solve the problem. It's simply just no fun getting outpopped everywhere you go. Certs are not that important, but fun is. And constantly losing is no fun.
I think you underestimate how much some people chase certs. If they implemented 100% XP gain for every 1% less pop you had compared to the top faction, I guarantee things would start to balance out. I've got a lot of stuff certeded on my TR account, and ESF on my VS and NC. You're right that it sucks getting outpopped everywhere you go, but I also find that it sucks when you're faction is owning everything. The best fights for me are when pops are even, continents have mixed ownership, and you don't know who'll win. I've pretty much stopped playing this game because Connery is so bad, it's VS all day for me and TR once the Chinese get on. Another thing they could do is give you a bonus if you're fighting while in an underpop hex, that would help get people together to hold back a zerg, and encourage zergs to split up and find more balanced fights. I don't really think much will happen with this game though, it seems to have run it's course. We'll see if this new ownership turns things around, keeping my fingers crossed. This game has a serious grind. You'd have to have been playing since launch to have 3 factions certed out. I don't see that as a problem, but it does make it difficult for the average player to just pick up and switch factions on a whim. Well, servers are shutting down and getting downgraded, so you're getting your wish. How do you like the decreasing performance? What about the crazy lag from Asian or Easter European players? You had better get used to it, because the more people play BF1, the more servers here have to close. Like my example above, if they gave 100% XP for every 1% you were under the top pop faction, people would switch and fights would be more balanced. Like in OP's example, that would be 2,000 x XP. I'd bet my entire gun collection that things would level out within minutes.