[Request] Smed Thread on Infantry Combat

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Conq, Dec 13, 2012.

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  1. Necron

    Maybe if certs were a bit easier to get people wouldn't spam so many vehicles because they are the best way to farm certs. I watched a tube vid last night where a guy in a lib got 31 certs in maybe 20 seconds because he found a group of them all bunched up on the pads at a biolab and proceeded to farm them all. I would like to see that as infantry.

    My solution is this: Vehicle/aircraft kills infantry 20 xp, kills other tanks/aircraft 100xp. Infantry gets full xp for all kills. Maybe this would motivate some people to get out of their tanks and ESF and fight with the people who actually do all the work in a base cap.
    • Up x 1
  2. neg

    doubt it, most people dont realize whats wrong with the game or just havent ever played a decent game (not that there have been any in the past 5+ years) they are just happy to have whatever shoved down their throats and accept it as is
  3. Mocam

    I suppose for someone like you pulling out 100+ kills an hour, that may work out as much more. For most, they tend to pull far fewer kills than 2-5 every 5 minutes.

    Doing the base flipping, I get about 25-35 certs an hour. Sitting at the crown, running out to shoot at people and such... Maybe 10 *IF* that. Sitting at a major battle, again, 10-15 range defending successfully.

    As a participant in killing someone - your xp tends to drop to around 25-50 xp "per kill". Your numbers read like people talking about how lame the protections are because a sniper can single head-shot you even with the certs spent. That's a lot less common than someone spraying bullets in your direction - and so is the full XP from killing someone at a battle.

    So for your type of player, that pulls hundreds of solo kills, combat may seem better but the bulk of the players aren't getting that - so congrats on your awesome play. Most get far more empty base flipping but there are the exceptions who talk as if their play were normal.

    PS: 15% of nothing is still nothing. If you don't manage to get a lot of kills trying to defend a base, it's not worth the effort - especially vs that GUARANTEED full flip xp.
  4. SOE-MOD-05

    This thread has been closed for becoming non-constructive and degenerating into trolling and personal attacks.
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