Reporting a Exploiter

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VillusVill, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. VillusVill

    I would like to report that the user GhostPepps was using exploits to hunt and unfairly destroy a player base with a exploit that let them take shelter under the map and move freely and to pop up to kill people of interest. [IMG] Though my evidence is of their gun pointing out of the ground and zipping by shooting randomly from time to time. They also killed me after saying something weird in chat?[IMG] One last thing yes I have reported this player ingame but was told by a buddy to also report here on the forums.
  2. Johannes Kaiser

    Not on the forum. As far as we are aware the devs do not read this. Report over the appropriate function on the Daybreak website with a support ticket.
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  3. T.A.94

    Those are terms used in science such as Chemistry and Biology.
    "Amino": I am shure you once heard or read of Amino acid. This is used f.e. transporting neurotransmitter in your body
    "Streprocockus": This is the name of a whole family of bacteria, some are use- and others harmfull.

    There was nothing scientific found for "cucamonga". When I searched for it, its results where for a place, a book and some kind of music.

    I would wonder if the player insulted VS for beeing some Information baffeling Unicellular organism only reacting to sertain sounds or places...
  4. ZDarkShadowsZ

  5. Scatterblak

    It's pretty obvious that the devs don't read anything in the forums. Try reddit.

    Re: bans - your best bet for action is to record a video of the cheat, put it on Youtube, and include the link to it in your trouble ticket. I've had several people removed this way. And yes. before the n00bs jump in, you absolutely *can* tell when someone is banned - your deaths at their hands will disappear from your kill list.
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