[Suggestion] Replace Oshur with Esamir (console)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mechwolf, Sep 26, 2023.

  1. Mechwolf

    Us on the outside don't know the exact cause of why Esamir was deleted entirely other than the storm crashing everyone's game in ludicrous numbers.

    But if Esamir was reintroduced, and Oshur deleted, a lot of the player base would be happy, it would save you tons on development, and you'd get some older players back into the game. Oshur was a failure according to everyone on PC, and a lot of console players are unhappy with phase 1 Oshur.

    It would take more resources for you to code all of the Oshur updates into the game, and if the game is on the dying side (which everyone seems to be mentioning) at least give the newer players the joy of what Esamir was before it was gutted. Just take out the storm and leave the rest of the map as it is. Any version is fine without the storm. Maybe revert a few of the bases to capture bases so you don't have to code in CTF either.

    If it's not a bother, we would like to keep the continent bonus of Oshur and move that over to Esamir. I remember a good majority didn't care about the alert because Esamir's original continent bonus didn't work, and there are vets who will stomach Oshur just for the continent bonus.

    You could alternate maps every 4 months if it's a memory issue and you're still stubborn about Oshur being in the game.
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