Mines that you could place in spots for your team mates to get a triggered repair grenade or triggered heal grenade. Just make it visible to all team mates at the same distance that maximum sweeper hud has, and make them appear on minimap at all times.
A bit too situational in my opinion. Why not a repair bot instead? A placeable device that constantly emits repair nanites to do their job while the engineer focuses on fighting. It could be a good augment to go with repair granades and the repair tool and thus also become a prime target for snipers and other enemies to focus on. Would help MAX units out too by ensuring their is an easy way to get repairs so long as engineers keep putting them up.
You wouldn't be able to repair while being mobile though, it would technically be a nerfed rumble seat repair for lighter vehicles, but heavy vehicles could use them as well. Heal drones would be very strong, just because they're constantly repairing/healing and not doing it in small amounts for a limited time. Rumble seat repairs were unlimited, this would be limited use.
Great idea! I'd much rather have had these added than the pointless non-lethal offensive mines that were added a few months back.
Ye only if the mine activated if the allies vehicle health was below 40%. I don't want to repair people who aren't about to have their vehicle destroyed. Good mention either way. More mines the merrier. I'm still waiting for repair grenade to be worth 50 nanites, right now it's worth 75 nanites, half the price it costs me to pull a harasser. My harassers are 150 nanites with discount that I always have for light vehicles. So I'm suppose to spend half the price of a harasser to heal myself for 10% hp? :| Why? " For 75 nanites, repair grenade should heal 40% of my vehicles's hp (especially if I have to hop out of my harasser or tank, while being shot at & nearly dying just to use it, meaning delay. & Also have a aoe radius that's 10x wider. Able to heal 6 parked vehicles nearby & not just 2. Or else ye if your not gonna buff the grenade, then nerf it to 50 nanites. P.s. Utility mines for all factions, blind, concus, emp. We all know emp mine is the better option. So why give emp mine to 1 faction only? Also these mines should cost 25 nanites as most the time they get you killed trying to use 1 & they don't score kills on their own. & these mines rarely ever effect more than 1 person at a time, so their aoe radius should be x100 of what it is. I'm not paying 75 nanites just to hope someone enters a door & get blinded by a blind mine, then I'm for some god aweful reason also slightly blinded, & then I have to kill him while he's shooting randomly forward. & Hope no buddy of his shoots me while I try to kill his mine blinded self? Ye right, that's worth 25 nanites, not 75. These mines shouldn't disorient the person who deployed them either. Your most likely always standing near the mine waiting to combo off the utility mines effect. So why have the mine effect the deployer. It's not like a dmg mine, where you just leave it alone & leave the mine behind. Utility mines require you to wait around the mine.