[Suggestion] removing ramming damage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by strikearrow, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. adamts01

    I saw this random Ant chasing a Harasser on Hossin the other night. I was coming head on in my Sundy and we sandwiched that sucker. I sang out on proximity that little jingle "that's F'n teamwork", and it made my day when he got the reference and laughed back. I should have recorded it, but I don't want to punish the internet with my vocal skills, or lack thereof.

    I just have a problem with server-side collisions between aircraft that are nowhere near each other on both screens.
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  2. Liewec123

    but if they removed ramming damage what would i have to do with my galaxy?! :D

    they've already nerfed my wraith flash, skywhale is my other favourite vehicle!
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  3. strikearrow

    I think the Gal ram is an exception as it's a valid tactic for them - bit cheesy, but not my main gripe.
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  4. Pelojian

    the problems i see is collision seems biased towards friendlies more then enemies, it's much easier to roadkill ally infantry then it is to do so to enemy infantry and the friendly fire system can't usually properly assign blame.

    not to mention even if someone is weapons locked from repeatedly ramming ally vehicles, it does not prevent them from continuing to ram into ally vehicles and run over ally infantry.

    i'd support removing FF ramming damage from vehicle on vehicle collisions.
  5. Scatterblak

    It is a combat mechanic.
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  6. Twin Suns

    Just add Bumper Cars to the long list of things that "Generation Kill Joy" can't overcome. :)
  7. strikearrow

    Ah suicide is a combat mechanic gotcha. Very bad idea to encourage suicide, but it is what it is I suppose.
  8. Trigga

    Perhaps, but then again, its an everlasting war where death does not exist.
    Think of it not as committing suicide, think of it as costing your enemy time and removing a threat, for the cost of your own time.
    Its far more important to remove the ESF camping the spawns than it is not to respawn, even if its just for a minute.
  9. DeadlyOmen

    People that think ramming should do no damage may have never run into anything irl.
  10. Demigan

    Theres even too little suïcide man! When you have to assault a chokepoint the first X people know they are going to die just to give their allies a shot. The fact that too few people want to commit suïcide means chokepoints become extremely hard to break.

    Reducing the damage of a ram from insta-kill to a % damage, possibly with a maximum damage included so instakill on a full health player is impossible, would already solve most of your grievances and push ramming even more into a tactical possibility. Imagine having an ability that reduced ramming damage by 90% for both parties, now you can ram your opponent specifically for disorienting them or forcing them to make evasive maneuvers.
  11. Movoza

    An ESF vs infantry is also a no skill tactic. A tank vs infantry as well. Killing someone with mines as you just keep away from the fight, grenade spam, teamwork, overpop, more force multipliers and more are all "no skill tactics".
    Basically everything that gives you an advantage where skill isn't involved.
    If you know they do it, why don't you plan for it? It's like C4. If you know it exists and spend a little time understanding how they can give you this present, you'll be able to easily avoid being killed. Ultimately they might be able to take you down, but so little it's a non-issue.

    I mean where would we stop if we implement this? Anything that isn't skill should be removed?
  12. strikearrow

    Actually, those tactics are just different skills - tactical skills instead of muscle memory skills. Tactical skills mean somebody is smarter and twitch reaction skills just means somebody is younger or has more practice. In point of fact, using tactical skills takes far more effort than twitch reaction skills - especially in PS2 where client-side hit detection means the first person to see their opponent has several 100ms advantage. I.e. CQC takes very little to no skill in PS2.

    I don't know, but currently a Max can run into infantry and not hurt anybody at all, but a flash - which actually appears to have less mass can road kill a Max so removing ramming damage would do nothing to change the skill levels required in PS2. However, since CQC is such low skill in PS2, maybe they should remove it.
  13. Robert Patrician

    Heck with that! I want a defensive module that INCREASES my ramming damage on my sunderer! "Oh hi there little harasser who made a wrong turn..."
  14. Asic

    I think one of the implants reduces damage received from vehicles already, but anyway following your way of thinking, OP, one could just stand on the road spamming mines, or drive at you and bounce off you on a purpose so they would be harder to hit in e.g harasser without any tactical consideration. Ram damage is a type of weapon. Drive your car into a tank in real life.
  15. strikearrow

    Drive your harasser (dune buggy) into a rocket in real life and boom it's gone. Hit an airplane cockpit window with a rocket - boom no more pilot. Reverse in any airplane in RL - wait it's not possible.

    Real is not in this game at all.
  16. Demigan

    For ground vehicles I would love to have some ramming weapons, but aircraft is a whole other game when ramming is concerned. It's harder to hit someone and not kill them than it is to hit them and nothing happens. This is why aircraft could definitely need reductions in ramming damage.

    Especially for the Vanguard I would love some ramming damage increases as an auto-granted ability. The Vanguard base chassis barely keeps up with the Prowler and Magrider when you look at the performance each tank actually manages to achieve, and without the shield it would be a truly pathetic tank. If the shield ever gets to be nerfed (even more) or removed then the base chassis needs a solid upgrade, and allowing it to deal more damage based on ramming would help a little.
  17. Twin Suns

    Examples of...ramming speed!!! Ben Hur(59), The Last Starfighter and Animal House. Enough said.

    "Ramming speed is not a Velocity, it's a way of life.

    Admittedly, there are better ways of life"

  18. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Ramming has been a combat tactic as long as the existence of manned vehicles. It cannot be said that it isn't a valid tactic, and by extension a valid game mechanic. An argument can be made for its improvement as far as feedback and registration is concerned so you aren't killed out of nowhere, but saying it should be removed is just silly.
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  19. Scatterblak

    Not at all. I ram sundies all the time in my Magrider, and it never kills me (of course, I don't do it when my Mag is on fire). It makes a great difference when a sundy is almost dead - a lot of times, it's faster to ram it and kill it than reload.
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