Remove weapon lock from tanks( and rocketpods tone it down)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mambakiller, May 14, 2013.

  1. Mambakiller

    pls remove weapon lock from tnaks, i was attacking a base at xroads and got weapon lock FOUR TIMES.
    Plenty of enemy to kill and i couldnt do anything because wepaon lock was active (FOUR TIMES)
    also rocket pods still kill tanks too fast , plslook at this
  2. Dictatorfish

    Either troll or scrub too desperate for certs to worry about friendly fire.
    • Up x 2
  3. HadesR

    • Up x 1
  4. SiosDashcR

  5. DJPenguin

    You've got some forgiving teammates. Not too many NC tankers on Waterson get locked. I C4 them right after they blow me up.