Remove the referral system

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Jul 18, 2013.

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  1. commandoFi

    I'd say to make some of the exclusives available to buy, add some new rewards, either non-exclusives or IRL rewards. Another very important thing would be to add a reward for people who have already recruited players, something exclusive, though not necessarily as good as what is currently offered. A good model for this is from TF2:
    When a player has played a certain amount of time (not too much) and spent money they are offered to name who referred them. The player has to be older than the recruit to be eligible for the reward.
  2. Zinfandelta

    Personally, these rewards should also be unlocked by sustaining a premium membership for ever extending periods of time.

    Players like myself subscribe for nothing more that what amounts to time-saver buffs and 500SC/month. The recent load-outs/character slot expansions are essentially useless. I also pick up the time cards and convert them into SC to buy various items from time to time.

    Then you spend company resources to create great looking gear and rewards and offer them to an even more exclusive group of players. Those with very deep pockets or school children who network better than a politician.

    You're setting yourself up to burn some of your paying subscriber base. It amounts to greed. Get too greedy and the silent majority will eventually just go somewhere else; usually once a suitable replacement presents itself. No bickering, no forum QQ or arguments. They simply stop playing (and paying :D) .

    I can only guess your paying your employees off memberships and the SC store. Why then start offering exclusives to people other than the hand that feeds you? Sure, you can argue the offer is open to everyone, "other games do it". That excuse boils down to greed. Why not instead offer these items to your paying customers who keep paying in a game that does not lend itself to a continued subscription model. A F2P customer who either has ample time to burn or is willing to cash in on some SC can fair just fine and get the items they want without subscribing. The point I make is your using the money your subscriber/SCbuyer base pays you to create new and unique items you have no intention of offering to them without charging them $250 or marketing your game for you. There is no good way to excuse this behavior. Please don't try to use another game's poor precedent to somehow "make it OK". Guess what? Those gaming companies lack integrity, too.

    This is all starting to feel like a game going to the gutter in a hurry. Pay to win implant ideas, recruit-a-friend schemes... I truly hope this game can weather the greed that is trying to sink it.
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  3. Czuuk

    It seems like signing up for dozens of fake account is against the spirit of the recruitment program. I certainly won't be doing so. Planetside is now free 2 play. ;)
  4. Neopopulas

    Know what else is free 2 play and pretty good? Firefall.

    Just sayin.. I've been getting pretty familiar with it lately..
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  5. Rhapsody

    go to the promotion page, and click on the different tier levels. The rewards such as the Different Helmets, Cammo Patterns, and Tank-turret's were all shown in pictures in a sort of "see what we have in store for you guys!" type of block/tweet/forum post, but the dev(s) for the past few months.

    They have done this befor, and everything they've shown has ended up on the in-game store. This time though, they decided to make those items we have been waiting to buy 'exclusive' items on a program that is nearly impossible to do this late in the games deployment as most of us who have friends who are interested in the game, have ALREADY got them into it.
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  6. Czuuk

    It's pretty fun. And no Strykers flying through mountains.
  7. JonnyBeanTown

    Pffff. Firefall doesn't hold a candle to Planetside 2 sorry. The massive scale battles in PS are worlds beyond what Firefall offers.
  8. Rhapsody

    Thats because Firefall is a different game mechanic. Its more about interacting with the game world itself, than shooting the guy next to you. And the Dev's at Red5 are a hell of alot more in touch with their community than SOE is. They completely redesigned significant portions of the game from its early beta, to now, based off Player feedback, not their own.
  9. Neopopulas

    Something else i've noticed is that if you go to the OTHER games rewards, they're kinda.. lackluster. having played those other games, i'd say they are cool and useful, but they aren't as epic as this, nor are there as many. So the PS2 rewards are WAY out of whack compared to the other games as well.
  10. TWolfJaeger

    You're kidding, right?

    Unless you've completely forgotten what the squad menu and inventory looked like from six months ago, you should already know better. The devs we've got here have been listening to player feedback and have gone a long way towards making this game what -we- want it to be.

    They outright pulled implants from release because we made our feedback known. Considering the money involved, that speaks volumes.

    They've been consistent in addressing the balance issues that the community's been yelling about. They haven't always done what you or I or someone else wanted, but they did something to try and fix problems. They're continuing to do so. It's pretty clear to me that, even though I don't always agree with what they're doing, they're trying to do something and that's why I continue to subscribe to this game.
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  11. Hatamoto

    And all that needs fixing is performance so that more people want to stay and pay ..
  12. Morticai

    The problem here is that they are saying no to our desires to (legitimately) pay them money for several items that have been marketed for a while now.

    They're saying no to taking our money.
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  13. JonnyBeanTown

    Pretty sure the Planetside devs do a pretty darn good jorb being in touch with the community. Have you been around the past week? They pulled implants and are redesigning them based on our feedback. Not to mention we the I don't get what the matter is.
  14. Phrygen

    I'm still here, wanting to buy cosmetic stuff, despite my frames going down from GU11 to GU12.

    These two issues aren't related.
  15. Stew360

    yep still wait for them to confirm well be able to have acess to those cosmetic i was hopping to get the recon camo and foreman helmets in GU13 its unlikely but i cant even get why they havent did that already the foreman open version launch was kinda disaster ... it also have to do with the face of the caracter i think , only the black guys look good ...

    but still ive been waiting for months now for the foreman helmets and they have release the shemag first and now lock my foreman its the 25 recruits vault
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  16. Selerox

    If they don't want me giving them my money, I'm more than happy to oblige.

    SOE: "Even though you're a member, we're not going to give you access to content that will be available to YouTube sluts and link spammers".

    Member: "Even though I'm a member, I'm not going to give you access to the money in my wallet that will be available to Hawken and Warframe".
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  17. Morticai

    Brought a hearty chuckle. Thank you.
  18. mina5

    SOE must be insane if they go trought whit this nonsense .

    i mean what cinda marketing genius had an idea to make it hard for fans to buy digital cosmetic items for they game characters !?
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  19. Crewell

    How many people do you think have friends that game, and hang out in real life aren't already playing those games together?

    This recruit program won't only punish people without friends (as your smug remark stated), but also those with RL gamer friends. My RL gamer friends are already playing PS2.

    This program works great for new games, but not established player bases. With new games people can convince their friends to give it a shot. With established games we have already done that. Even worse is most people that have played and quit haven't been gone for 6 months yet to requalify.

    So mr. smug, what are players who have recruited their friends/coworkers and do get laid (I personally stopped bar hopping over 20 years ago) supposed to do? Should I recruit my wife and kids emails even though they won't play? The only option is dummy accounts for me or hope the items from this program become available another way.

    Personally I've already recruited five people to play the game. The problem is I did it back last December and January. I've also spent probably over $250 on SC purchases for this game. I can buy $100 on dummy accounts to get the 10 recruit rewards I am interested in. I'd rather purchase them legitimately even if it costs a little more than that.
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  20. Nkrisc

    I should never have recruited my friends to the game before. None of my other friends are remotely interested in video games.
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