Remove the referral system

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Jul 18, 2013.

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  1. biterwylie

    It's a great place, you have to do a Rubik's cube and know what material Han was encased in for delivery to Jabba. Once inside the whole scene is about recruiting each other for PC games.
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  2. Souleater

    I think the rewards should benefit you when playing with friends.

    That would mean bonuses that are active in-game when you are in the same platoon, squad or location as your mates - increased XP, Cert or Resource gain until a certain rank or time frame. This wouldn't help the recruiters necessarily as they may have gotten to the point they dont' really care but it would certainly help the recruit spec out their character faster.

    Or a unique skin for Galaxies or Sundies (you know the troop transport vehicles that you might ride around in together)

    Recruiters could have a unique hat - what about looking at those used by Drill Sargeants, military instructors, etc around the world and using those to create something for the universe of PS2. Heck, you could go the whole hog and design a dress uniform for each faction.

    A buddy-to-buddy drop pod: the recruits get an extra drop pod that can only be used to insert them to their recruiters location. It would have an hour or day's cooldown.

    Those and the decals and ranks are the kind of things I would like to have seen as they encourage people to play together. Unfortunately, they assume that you will want to play with your friends on the same faction/server.
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  3. SpaceKing

    Wait, we're forced to recruit people now? I can't play unless I recruit friends? What if I don't have any?
  4. Rhapsody

    You can play, you just cant get items that were dangled infrunt of us for a few months without recruiting 25 people + getting those 25 people to spend 10$ each on SC.
  5. TWolfJaeger

    1. I would re-evaluate the items being offered for exclusive access. I get the numbers you're pushing here, and hopefully I can convince people to join once the PS4 release comes out. New platform, new pool of players who haven't already tried the game yet. 25 people isn't impossible, but it is very, very difficult for the majority of your userbase. Still, the game needs more people, and that's a fair number to shoot for. If I were to change anything, I would set that max tier to 20, but that's not really necessary.

    2. I feel that exclusive items are great... but absolutely not in the manner in which you're putting them out there. More on this in a second.

    3. I would rely less on exclusive items as a crutch, and instead offer SC (or certs? see below). Look, people want the pixellated camo, they want the recon camo, they want the helmets. They're going to buy them. Why not make them available for purchase?

    If you want, here's a breakdown I suggest, just from looking at the current offerings.

    - Delegate Reward - 2 Players
    Delegate Decal
    NS-357P Underboss Pistol
    250 SC

    - Attaché Reward - 5 Players
    Attaché Decal
    NS-15MP Assault Rifle
    500 SC

    - Consul Reward - 10 Players
    Consul Decal
    NS-011 Compound Helmet
    MAX Lumifiber Armor
    750 SC

    - Diplomat Reward - 15 Players
    Diplomat Decal
    PS2 Glow Decal
    Faction Glow Decals
    ESF Deluxe Razor Fins
    1000 SC

    - Ambassador Reward - 20 Players
    Ambassador Decal
    ESF Lumifiber SE Trims
    NS-11CP Carbine
    1250 SC

    - Grand Ambassador Reward - 25 Players
    Grand Ambassador Decal
    150mm Titan-R HEAT Turret
    P2-120-R HEAT Turret
    Supernova-R PC
    6 Month Heroic Boost
    1500 SC

    On second thought, instead of SC you could offer certs. Whoever manages to get 25 people actually into the game to start playing could use some points to spend on spawn beacons, smokes and command channel, you still make money, and we still benefit from new players.

    - New Marketplace Items -

    Pixelate Camo Sets
    Recon Camo Sets
    Undead Vehicle Decal
    Bear Cavalry Vehicle Decal
    Foreman-SE Helmet
    Predator-SE Helmet
    Aurora-SE Helmet

    Yeah! Put the camo and the helmets you've been teasing us with for months on the market. I think most of the outcry over the rewards program stems from this point only. We've been waiting for this for a while now. I know that if the pixel, recon camos, and helmets appear on the marketplace, I'm snatching them all up immediately, and I know I'm not alone on this.

    Some things, like the Undead and Bear Cavalry decals are nice, but I wonder why they're rewards. I don't see any reason to want to get the Diplomat Award you guys set out other than for the fins, but that's me personally so I'll leave it there.

    Expanding on this, what more could possibly be an exclusive reward? Perhaps something that changes the appearance of the scout and proximity radars to rotating dishes instead of the static saucer and spinning bar? Or new, fancy hubcaps? (stunner rims on a Sunderer, lol) You could introduce exclusive scopes (that are functionally identical to their non-exclusive counterparts), muzzlebrakes, suppressors, etc. How about some exclusive composite armor for non-MAX classes? Or maybe hats, instead of helmets, with earpieces attached?
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  6. Being@RT

    The people are drunk enough that they might actually accept!

    Now we just need to get them to play and pay before the alcohol wears off..

  7. Czuuk

    If I knew 20 people that didn't already play the game I would have had them signed up a long time ago. It is unfortunate that it wasn't available at launch. But as it stands now the only folks that this system rewards are those youtubers and streamers that don't need it.

    Either needs lower requirements or options to buy stuff straight. But the exclusiveness for the "super rich" in the community is getting old.
  8. Oheck

    Sorry for the double post folks. I just wanted to make this a reply to Luperzas post. I think it's a practical way to satisfy all involved.

    Thing is, what is the reward for the new subscribers? They are the ones spending money on a free to play game.

    You want to make subscribing attractive to new players. Take these items and work them into the subscription.

    Recruiter gets free items via bundled rewards.

    New subscribers get early access to reward content spread over a number of months that they remain subscribed for 50% off their full price.

    Existing subscribers get early access to reward content at full price.

    Only the recruiter gets access to this content for free based on the number recruited.

    SOME of this content needs to be put into the depot at full price for those that spend money, but do not hold a subscription.

    Content is a important part of sustaining a free to play model, yet the large number of items you have reserved for this recruitment plan alienates new subscribers, existing subscribers and nonsubscibers that utilize the depot for purchases.
  9. WeEdNL

    This game is marketed like a casino game, except you never win your money back.
  10. Czuuk

    the rewards should be membership and/or station cash.
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  11. Neopopulas

    20 pages and going strong it seems.

    I too lean towards what seems like the common theme. Rewards should be SC/decals/titles but NOT camo/helmets and CERTAINLY not weapons. Maybe you get a free X of membership at certain tiers, things like that
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  12. Czuuk

    How about the recruit gets a deal for a $10 one or two month sub and the recruiter gets a one month sub?
  13. Hobo Jack

    how i would change it. if you recruit ONE friend you get a significant reward and your friend gets a reward. i get that you want to make players ambassadors for your game but waving a lot of awesome exclusives in front of them with unrealistic goals is just turning off the majority of players. People are not upset with the prizes but the fact that they are exclusive.

    Prizes for brand ambassidors i would be interested in would be real-life swag like tshirts,hoodies, bookbags, maybe every person i reqruit is a chance to win a trip to SOE live. Maybe you can team up with pizzahut or dominoes and do giftcards for free food. all that for being personally responsible for getting 25-50 friends to pay for the game. what other games have done was require you to recruit only 1 friends for exclusives and then if you and your friend(s) played together for x number of games than you got even more prizes.

    maybe an outfit can get credit for recruitment so if an outfit recruits 50 players then the whole outfit can get exclusives yeah i know maybe only a few people will do all the work but at least you can "team up" with people and mutually benifit and the individuals would get the rewards i listed above. 50 people is a LOT for an individual to shoot for not only do you have to get them to try it you have to get them to like it. im a pretty social person and have been bugging everyone to play planetside and so far ive only got one person to play with me and i doubt he will ever buy station cash or be a subscriber but we do play often. so you are realistically looking at recruiting 200 people to have a shot that 50 will spend money.
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  14. daicon

    My thoughts:
    • 6 Months is way too long a barrier to invite returning players.
      2 Months might be too short for your invited player to need to spend for you to get a reward. Give us like 3 months so it isn't such a gamble for the recruiters.
    • A system where we can be claimed by people who have already recruited us. I've gotten a dozen friends to play PS2 already who may spend someday.
    • Lastly I think everyone wishes there were a way to get recruiter points without having to get people to spend (longshot I know).
  15. Phrygen

    yea. its the mark of poor f2p model when 1-2% of whales are catered to rather than 10-15%.
  16. Phrygen

    pretty sure his post was rhetorical and mocking for the sake of his argument.
  17. Rhapsody

    true, but with some people on these forums.. ya never know =P
  18. Czuuk

    want to buy funometer.
  19. Divinorium

    I have a question:
    The R Heat for tanks are the same as the ingame Heat but with different skin? you guys need to make it clear.

    The recruit need to spend 10 dollars OR reach BR 20. Every 10 BR he reach (30/40/50/etc) or 10 dollars he spend you earn another recruit point.

    So the same guy can give you multiple recruit, because we need ppl who come and play the game for a LONG time not just come and spend 10 dollars and never log in again.

    Yes and no. I would put a VERY exclusive thing in the last tier (PLEASE a new beacon's light skin)
    So you could actually show to everyone.

    What do you mean? Like how i would check if they are actually players? or how i would change the system?

    @edit pressed enter and it posted dunno why lols.
  20. SpaceKing

    What things? So much rage I can't find why the rage.
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