Remove the other IWin button

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 25, 2014.


    I'm pretty sure the GD-7F's hipfire CoF is smaller than the SMG's ones.

    Also, UPGRADE NOW!
  2. Chubzdoomer

    i7 CPU, 16 gigs of RAM, and GTX 780.

    No need. ;)

    Talking about upgrading to premium.

    • Up x 2
  4. Chubzdoomer

    I already am a subscriber if that's what you're talking about! :D

    Yes, that's what I'm talking about.

    To everyone else: UPGRADE NOW!
  6. Chubzdoomer

    Ahh, I get it now! I hadn't tested the latest patch yet. LOL! :D
    • Up x 1
  7. salembeats

    That pretty much sums up the thread.

    Your sample pool is far too small to come up with an adequate perspective:

    10.9 KPH with one SMG, 12.6 with the PDW. If you kept to your "average" KPH, you built your conclusions upon making about 10-12 kills -- and it's possible that these 10-12 kills would be made against 6-8 distinct noobs.

    That's basically like flipping a coin twice, having it come up "heads" twice, and concluding that every time you flip a coin, it will come up "heads".

    It takes an Auraxium Medal's worth of experience making kills with a weapon to even BEGIN to truly understand its strengths and weaknesses. It's a great landmark for competence, and deeper understanding comes as you use it more.
  8. Advanced Darkness

    If only there was a game that had infiltrators in it before and had the option to ..maybe cert some kind of implant where you could see an infiltrator at a certain range.. hmm nah that would never work.
  9. Revel

    Infiltrators already have less health. Long delay before firing after uncloaking in a game with absurdly low TTKs = 0 reason to ever play one.
  10. Reavx

    Heh buthurt HA's gotta love them.
  11. Chubzdoomer

    Can't argue with or deny any of that.
  12. salembeats

    You also have an absurdly long life expectancy (17+ mins.) with very low accuracy and absurdly low KPH.
    Most of your kills are made in vehicles, and you haven't earned a single Auraxium medal with any particular infantry weapon.

    What this tells me is that you seem to role-play in-game deaths as though they're real-life deaths, sticking to the back of fights (with force multipliers whenever possible) and not fighting IVI very often (maybe only when you run out of air/vehicle resources, or when your platoon heads to a biolab).

    Your KDR is high, but it's NOT because you're a dominant player -- it's high because you refuse to expose yourself to the danger of front-line combat as a squishy.

    You're predisposed to rage at anything that catches you off-guard because deaths are more meaningful to you than they are to the average player.
  13. miraculousmouse

    the only ******** ones are thepitchfork wielding infiltrators
  14. Chubzdoomer

    You're wrong there. I'm not just a dominant player, I'm an exceptional one.
  15. Wobberjockey

    PFFFT. meerly subscribing doesn't stop the popups or the reminders. you can upgrade to auraxium membership!
  16. Mustarde

    Pure anecdotal garbage. HA's and medics still reign supreme on the battlefield. Infiltrators saw a bump after several weeks worth of content dedicated ENTIRELY TO US. But that was people trying new content. We are now back to occupying a niche on the battlefield. I think we are adequately represented - not too much not too little.

    You've got me scratching my head on this one. If we were easy to see, we'd all die every time? Sorry to say buddy, but we do have pretty good weapons. Even if we had no cloak and only recon darts, the scout rifles, sniper rifles and SMG's would still net us plenty of kills. Not overpowered, but definitely potent.

    And to be clear - we are easy to detect. Very easy. Radar, visually, audibly. The only time you can avoid all three of those is with a stationary stalker cloak infil, who does not have a primary weapon, and can still be hard-countered by flashlights.

    Skimming this thread (because I can't help myself and it was hilarious to read all these people complaining about infiltrators), I see 2-3 individuals who clearly think infiltrators are overpowered endlessly bumping the thread, over and over, responding to every single little statement. I think it is the bad players/bad hardware/no situational awareness- crowd that has forum warrior'd this thread to death.

    And it was nanoweave 3 that blocked headshots. At a range with a suppressor was down to 30m. Rendering bolt action sniping near obsolete at the peak of summer. It drove many players to use SMG's actually, because their other weapons were becoming useless. The devs crafted a very good solution in PU02, and also improved our scout rifles, which are mid-range and reward skill and aiming.

    I can tell by your mouth frothing rage that you will never be persuaded that infiltrators are in a good place, both in game balance and battlefield effectiveness wise. The only reason I bothered to formulate a response that wasn't just dismissive or condescending is because I hope others will see this and reconsider their position. Fortunately, I think the devs are smart enough to see through all the whining here, and they seem to agree that infiltrators are in a good spot.

    The SMG's aren't going anywhere. Better learn to play son. Besides, the SOAS-20/Stalker/Artemis are more versatile weapons anyways, and let you pad your KDR much better than an SMG. And you will never see SOE take those away. Get used to it.
    • Up x 4
  17. Some1

    May I make a suggestion?

    Get good.
    • Up x 2
  18. Reavx

    Mustarde you have indeed made me like you with your well thought logical posts, props to you sir.
  19. Reavx

    Im aurax member and have been for ages and pop ups still happen in the form of thank you or buy stuff from gun store, sales etc!
  20. Atis

    Ahaha, would be persuading if we never saw other games. In any game, especially MMO, class with any kind of invisibility (even limited) is a jerk magnet. At game release infils were very weak, still they were popular for few weeks. Then ppl noticed than HA is better jerk magnet than weed with only BASR and puny pistol. Now that is fixed and going to be fixed even more after overshield nerf. Devs make money, not divine justice, they need jerk magnets and good merchandise, that's why infils get buffed and imbalanced guns are still on sale. Majority already used to bash OP HAs and pity UP infils, so its time to switch easymode class.

    I have nothing against scout rifles, even that crazy Vandal, cuz they do require some skills, unlike SMG.

    They run lasers on sidearms. And its funny how you keep avoiding simple question: why would anyone need hard-counter for infils if they are so easy to see?

    1. OHKO after emp grenade, or just second hit before shields are restore seems like too much damage for most silenced SIDEARM. You can find cool QCX killstreaks on youtube and victims are not BR1. Plus instagibb with bolt+knife.
    2. Still very close to them, way too close for sidearm. Infil has a great chance to start shooting first and commissioner has enough DPS to with duel vs any weapon with such tiny advantage. And again 1 shot + knife is faster than 3 shots from carbine + knife.
    3. If it was true, nobody except infils would use SMG and NS7-users wouldn't drop moving targets at 40m range. And even 10 mins in VR is enough to notice how easy to control SMG while dancing, in comparison to high RoF carbine or AR.

    1. Right. Everytime when something seems OP, its just bag of skills vs bags of suck. Nothing should be nerfed. Bring back old ZOE, old frag grenades with huge radius, old harassers and ESFs+lolpods, they were not OP, just very skilled players ran them.
    2. Because mid-BR players already auraxiumed all good weapons and only SMGs and flare guns left? Btw, bothering with auraxium for only 200 certs... I though it was about "I auraxiumed whole game, gib moar itamz"
    3. Yea, and swarms of infils with CQC weapons are trialling too, right before getting disappointed with these peashooters and grabbing another rifle. We should see these SMG infil swarm disappearing today...... Any time now......
    4. Another fact to show how SMGs are "almost as good as other guns"?

    So we don't need flashlights, all these talks about "noobs dun use hard-counter" are crap, right?

    And no, when I see infils getting KOS effortlessly, their corpses usually have 0-250 certs pistols. Corpse of infil with commi, SMG or QCX can be found mostly on top of 2+ corpses of his victims. Again, thats just what I see around me all the time. I'll surely believe you when I see what you are talking about more often. Now its more of exception.