Remove the medic's self healing ability

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Teegeeack, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Teegeeack

    It's stupid that a support class is the most effective offensive class. It even has C4 to take out vehicles and MAX units.
  2. Owleyes

    I'm ok with the medic's self heal because most of the time a REAL medic is busy healing and rezzing other people and doesn't have time to worry about the enemy.
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  3. CaptainYamerica

    Simple solution... shoot them more... until they are dead.

    No more medic. :p
  4. MorganM

    Most effective offensive class? Dream on. HA and ENG are far more vesitale and flexible. HA is much more durable even with out AoE healing because they can have medkits, shield, nanoweave.

    QQ less pls k thx
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  5. Teegeeack

    I've yet to see a medic in the game that was so busy healing and reviving that he couldn't fight.
  6. Teegeeack

    HA is a pointless class with the medic and on what planet is an engineer more flexible than a medic?
  7. Pikachu

    The roles in this game are blurry. This is no medic who just spends all his time treating the wounded. It's a soldier with healing tool. :p F**k yeah!
  8. MFP_TK_01

    That can't be right. All those heavies keep telling me that I can't compete against them as a support class. Is there perhaps new evidence brought to light that proves those previous statements may in fact be false?

    Also, it's an AOE heal, not a self heal. Personally, I find it to be very nice when a dozen people get hit by HE and there's no other earthly way I'd be able to keep up with all the cries for help who are secretly threatening to shoot me because I'm not immediately tending to them.
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  9. Maellean

    COMBAT medic. Notice how the the combat comes before the medic part. Finish clearing the area, THEN get your HAs and Maxes back up.

    Working as intended.
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  10. Teegeeack

    Nanite healing grenade. Use it and stop defending self heal.
  11. Teegeeack

    Combat MEDIC. Notice how the word medic is in the name.
    So why would a medic be better in attack than a HEAVY ASSAULT?
  12. Phazaar

    Actually hilarious. How slowly are you doing damage to medics that it's not more effective to be a HA (with a better weapon, if you're not NC) with a shield up and nanoweave on than it is to press 'f' and gain 5-10% HP per second... TTK is frequently below one second. The point that heal will outdo shield is around 5-6 seconds to kill your opponent. That's like, a whole clip, a reload, the next clip, and the start of the next reload... Mind=blown.

    And all that's before you consider that the HA has -everything- the medic has offense-wise, AND a freaking rocket launcher...

    Most offensive class. You must play on that one server where everyone and his mum plays medic, because they hear so much QQ about medics... It's very 'chicken and egg', unfortunately. If you play on any other server, you'll note that HA's are 75% of the playerbase, and rightly so because they'll destroy both an army of medics coming at them, AND an army of tanks/aircraft. GL;HF with aircraft as a medic... And tbh, GL;HF with tanks/MAXs that aren't completely stupid...

    So, the TL;DR: Dream on. HA's are the most OP class and have been since more or less ever. Medics rank just below engineers, perhaps on a par depending on what duties you consider important. They're certainly not exceptional, nor in need of any nerfs.
  13. MFP_TK_01

    Sorry, I need that slot for nanite rez grenade.
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  14. CaptainYamerica

    Because you can always use them so readily without a bandolier, and they are oh so accurate...?

    Besides, revive grenades are superior imho. Surprised people haven't called for them to get nerfed.
  15. Maellean

    Sorry, but a combat medic is not any better than a certed HA in an assault. The fully certed self heal will not outheal more than a single bullet...maybe. A properly played HA will take any other class 1v1, every single time.
  16. MorganM

    Maybe after you play for more than a month you'll see.

    HA is most certainly not pointless; very flexible, lots of fire power, and very durable.

    ENG is anti infantry, anti armor, heals MAX suits, dispenses ammo to everyone, and can repair vehicles. Yes; way more flexible.
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  17. Teegeeack

    So nanite healing grenades aren't reliable? So what? If you want to heal en masse, they're there for you to use. They fact that they suck is no defense of self heal.
  18. TheBlindFreak

    Better at attacking? How so? It can't heal past it's max health, and with the TTK in this game, healing to max health is pretty insignificant. And the AoE heal doesn't exactly heal them fast enough to make a huge difference.

    I have honestly never seen any medic use a healing grenade. There is no reason to use it over res grenades.
  19. Teegeeack

    I've been playing since the game launched. How long have you been playing?
  20. CaptainYamerica

    Hilariously wrong. The fact that there is a BETTER way to heal people is EXACTLY all the defense of an ability that someone needs.
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