Remove the Infiltrator IFF!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ztiller, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. RealityWarrior

    Irrelevant. Many people have stated no one wants this no one likes this.

    They are wrong. I like it.

    However. When I play Infiltrator I only carry an SMG. Sniping isn't fun at all.
  2. Gadamlu

    CQC/med range inf here.

    i hate it, same reasons as provided in this thread, SOE plz remove :(

    hell, i may even make a twitter about it to bug the devs...
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  3. Tristan

    I haven't seen any difference at all in my playing after this change. You people who are complaining about it might just be looking for a reason for why you're dying.
  4. Koldorn

    Everyone's experience varies slightly, mine for example:

    Support: *full auto fire's into any shimmer they see*
    Infiltrator: *TK'd*
    Infiltrator: WTF I'm on your side!
    Support: Hey, I couldn't risk it. You having to re-spawn hurts the team less then an enemy infil running around unchecked back here.
    Infiltrator: DORITO!
    Support: Shoot first, IFF later.

    This change has done nothing but save me grief points, and cause slightly less headache from allied infils.
  5. Boomotang

    The only people who complain about this are those who only do one role. Diversify. It's fun. And it's more helpful to the team too.
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  6. Mythicrose12

    You mean like when the LA got a sound "buff" to its jet pack? A "buff" the rest of the community (mainly those that weren't playing the class) that was super awesome? At least the test server noise level was dialed down for the live patch on that. And at least the annoying sounds for every feathering move I make are on the LA's side.

    Don't mistake me, Ztiller. I dislike the GU11 infiltrator cloak change (even more than the jet pack "buff"). Just pointing out that there has been a "buff" to a class and those that play that class were pissed. Jetpacks (like cloak) get drowned out most of the time in battles larger than squad on squad. However, the new cloak change negatively impacts close quarters infiltrators that like to use the SMGs and scout rifles. At the very least, SOE should give the infiltrators the same health/shields as all other classes.

    The cloak (as been noted by others) bugs out. Friendly i nfiltrators from time to time don't glow. I've been shot at more (friend and foe alike) with this update.
  7. LokiGwayyn

    Does that mean "play another class to avoid the problem" or just that we should no longer get into close quarters ?
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  8. Ztiller

    Except that the sound was not a buff in any way concievable, and was a direct nerf. One that was appreciated by most non-LAs, but nobody pretended it was a buff.

    This is supposed to be a buff, and helps everyone else but the class it's actually supposed to help, which it instead nerfs.
  9. Black March

    I tend to shoot people that annoy me, friendly or not.

    Walking-Neon-Light-Ghosts really annoy me.
  10. Ztiller

    Yeah, so they shouldn't have added it in the first place, since it wasn't a problem and only causes more problems.

    Maybe you don't. But i do. I probably affect most battles more than 20 Heavy Assaults. Simpyl because i know how to play the class. You evidently don't.

    The new IFF was useless, needless and completely uncalled for.
  11. Heretic

    oh, im sorry, i didn't realise i was dealing with a one man army. My fault, we're obviously all inferior to your way of playing.

    It benefits the team by stopping unnecessary TK'ing. I'm done discussing this with someone who has the attitude (or is for that matter) a child.
  12. Boomotang

    It means that the change isn't just for you so you don't get team killed. It's mostly for everyone else so they don't have to be paranoid every time a friendly cloak runs by. It helps your teammates by keeping their attention where it should be.

    I don't see it as a problem. I see it as how it should have been from the start. The cloak isn't supposed to be 100% invisible. If you're running right in front of enemies then you're doing it wrong. Stay mostly to their peripheral and they won't notice a cloak. I play infiltrator too, both long and short range. But I play all the other classes as well.

    Spread your wings. Get rid of your tunnel vision. Enjoy the game by taking in more aspects of it. Don't take it so seriously that you refuse to play anything but one class or vehicle and you start to see things from other perspectives.

    It also helps your team/faction more if you adapt to different situations when needed, instead of always just infiltrating.
  13. Vanus Aran

    Im playing Infiltrator much myself and like it extremly.

    My opinion: This "nerf" is not a nerf. It didnt do anything.
    I dont notice Infis dying faster or living longer. Its the same as before.

    All you noobs who are only NOW able to shoot an enemy Infiltrator or needed this to survive as Infiltrator yourself, you are bad players anyway if you cannot overcome THAT.
    I think the Biolabroof-nerfs are way worse, totally idiotic and unneccessary.
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  14. Ztiller

    All you noobs who needed the Biolab roof access to succeed are bad players anyways if you cannot overcome THAT.
  15. Ztiller

    Which is great. Except that it nerfs the infiltrators, the currently lowest performing class in the game, in favour of braindead grunts.

    Your argument is like removing the Light Assaults jetpack. That way, they can help their teammates in the grunt-frontline, and people don't have to be worried about getting flanked all the time. Now you don't have to check for the Light Assault jetpack sound if you hear one.

    You have 10% Infiltrator playtime. Your Infiltrator kills are combined around 200, most of which are caused by a Long-range sniper.

    And how am i supposed to do that? Most fights aren't 1v1, you know. There are people looking everywhere. And the second someone noticed the cloak, we are completely defenseless. Tell me, how am i supposed to stay in the peripheal if there are only 2 ways into a base: The 2 stairs.

    The current cloak combines every single possible drawback a cloak could possibly have. Weapon-lock, imprefect cloaking, short duration, loud on/off noises and now a big "friend or foe" highlight to make it even easier for those spottign infiltrators.

    You talk about finding perspective, but you don't even play CQC infiltrator. You don't have any idea what you're talking about, when you tell us how to play. Sure, it's easy on theory, but we don't play theoretical gameplay.

    The cloak right now is the single most flawed and restricted ability in the game. The IFF restricted it even further. Practically 99% of all infiltrators hate the IFF, and do so for a reason. Only the mindless grunts and long-range snipers think it's a good idea.

    The problem with the cloak is that it is too unreliable. You are completely dependant on the actions of the enemies. No other ability stops working the second an enemy looks your way.
  16. Boomotang

    Biolab roof access? What are you talking about?
  17. Boomotang

    No. The increased sound of the jet pack was a pretty equal nerf to enemies seeing cloaks as enemies right away. It was pretty annoying hearing a loud bang when using the jetpack all the time, but I didn't really care.

    That's my point. It only hurts "infiltrators". Diversify. The fact that you call everyone else braindead says a lot.....

    Especially if YOU can't adapt and overcome this MASSIVE nerf......

    You want to act like a grunt by running right at enemies and killing them. Yet you don't want to be seen. Your logic is baffling.

    This is just false. Period.
  18. Chris Bingley

    One thing I've noticed is that sometimes the IFF colour doesn't render and friendlies are still black wire-frames. I've friendly fired on a few friendlies now because of this.

    Now, I do play infiltrator a lot (it's my second most played class for my TR and NC characters and third most for my VS character) and I haven't noticed much of a problem with the new IFF, this maybe because I prefer to rely on terrain to hide me, rather than my imperfect, limited duration cloaking ability.

    So, to sum up. The supposed benefit doesn't work all the time and the supposed downside isn't a problem if you have any skill at infiltration. I think that they need to fix the IFF so that it's less buggy, but shorten the range at which the cloak renders (be they friend or foe), so that outside of say 10m, a cloaked infiltrator just doesn't render.
  19. Boomotang

    So what? I diversify. What's your game name? Not that I care about you looking at my stats, but you can't do that on the forum without people being able to look at yours.
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  20. Boomotang

    Wait until there isn't people on the stairs.

    Wow....... rocket science.

    Or you could use a squad beacon to gain access to higher levels. Unless you never play in a squad, which wouldn't be surprising o_O. Or galaxy drop. Or use a mosquito with ejection seat if you really must.

    If the base is so full that there are people on the only 2 stairs up 24/7, then no, you should not be able to get in by running by them, inches away, completely invisible.

    That is why you adapt. MY WHOLE POINT. Switch classes and help your team kill those people to get in.
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