Can we please remove the "Capture all Amp Stations" and "Capture all Tech Plants" types of alerts until the Waterson population is balanced out?!? Almost every time these alerts happen the TR and NC seem to actively work together to deny VS any XP. I don't think they care between them who wins, as long as VS get nothing. I, and everyone in my outfit I have talked to, have encountered this same phenomenon. We have fought repeatedly for 2 hours in an alert and gotten nothing when it finishes because even the best platoon can't stand up against the population advantage. Seriously, during the alert last night at 11PM (Saturday), with 15 minutes left in the alert, the TR held 7 amp stations and the NC held 2 amp stations. The pop breakdown was: VS - 24% TR - 43% NC - 32% There is nothing we can do against these pop numbers and we get nothing after the fight so it really demoralizes the faction. The continent territory control alerts are much fairer (and usually more exciting) with territories swapping back and forth, and at least you get something when it is over.
No one teams up with anyone, its all perception. Ask the TR tin hat wearers and NC and VS are always fighting TR. Its all the same.
Everybody fights everybody. Your own faction is fighting you too. Make sure you restock your bomb shelter.
VS: HAY! The TR and NC pair up to defeat us, it's not fare! TR: HAY! The VS and NC pair up to defeat us, it's not fare! NC: HAY! The TR and VS pair up to defeat us, it's not fare!