Remove SMGs and shotties from HA?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by asdfPanda, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Khallixtus

    That statement is just plain stupid. At 6-10 meters, more than 20% of bullets hit with a carbine, unless you have no idea how to aim a gun, against a HA with overshield up, they move horribly slowly whilst shooting. I can understand 40-50% of shots missing at 10m with LMG hipfire, but the hipfire of a carbine is waaaaaay better than that of an LMG. The only thing the Carv has over the solstice is 52 RPM, so it might get in one more bullet, depending on the length of the fight, from 1.2 seconds or more, but unless they are standing right on top of each other it wont matter, because of the massive accuracy difference. But then the overshield comes in, and the 700 hp kicks in. The overshield makes it more of a skill matchup, but the huge hp boost makes it heavily swayed in the HA's favour.

    But the 2000 damage difference you mentioned, is just plain stupid. Unless they were standing 50< meters away and both emptied an entire mag, that damage difference will never happen.

    But the only time an LMG is ever effective in close range is if the LMG is designed for CQC, and then kitted out for it. Otherwise they only do well in the mid range, due to them only having good accuracy ADS. And still their bloom is larger than most guns, making large bursts a necessity to kill something.

    But without Shotties and SMGs, HA's wont be able to effectively win in CQC fights as they do in mid range. The idea is that HAs can be highly effective fighters in any range dependent on them being kitted out for it.
  2. VaIhall

    People who use shotgun are noobs and killable
  3. Auzor

    Effectively, a removal of shotguns and SMG's from heavy is a nerf to NC.
    Yes, NC has the Anchor, yes it is a very good LMG.. but I strongly suspect a big draw is the medium range performance. (statistics don't include the range at which weapons are used)
    For pure CQC, ROF is king.
    And NC has no 698 or 750 rpm LMG's so.. gogogo Cyclone!

    Both TR & VS have access to 750 rpm LMG's ..
    • Up x 1
  4. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Actually it would be a nerf to the TR/VS since if this were to happen the NC would be the only faction that would have access to shotguns on heavy assault via the Jackhammer, and an even larger nerf to the TR since the Armistice has more DPS than the Cyclone, while the Cyclone has more DPS than the Orion/CARV/MSR-W.
  5. patoman

    HA are not OP considering the utility of other class.

    Its the figher class and that's it, the enginer is the well enginer who is a requisite for any vehicle driver, and the healer heals, and the infultrator cloaks

    if anything weapon restricitons should be gotten rid of, any class any basic weapon.
  6. Leivve

    So you think Infiltrators shouldn't be able to INFILTRATE? They are saboteur and anarchist, not ***** *** snipers.
  7. Akashar

    Last time I checked, you did not need one of the best group of weapons in CQC to infiltrate something.
  8. Leivve

    If you want a chance to stay alive once discovered you do.
  9. Akashar

    You're not supposed to be discovered, and if you are, you're not supposed to kill everyone. That's HA 's job. Yours is to infiltrate.
  10. Leivve

    "Let's make a class that can't fight"

    That's what stalker cloak is. HA should only win in a straight up fight, infiltrators/LA don't fight fair. You use an SMG for any length of and you'll see how weak they are.
  11. Akashar

    Actually I do play smgs, I'm currently in the process of auraxiuming the sirius. Next, eridani and NS7 PDW. If you consider smgs weak, you don't know how to play them.
  12. Leivve

    Weak compared to other weapons. I would never role them on a HA or a medic. They are dueling weapons, so only the Infiltrator and the LA can get their full power since they can control how and when they want to engage.
  13. Akashar

    Medics don't really need smgs, they have AR. And the DPS of smgs coupled with the .75 ADS is deadly in most hands, whatever the class you play.
  14. iller

    remove them from Infiltrators first please.

    and I can say that b/c I main inf... We never needed SMG's to stay above an acceptable KPM in CQC