Ey m8s The MANA Turret needs some Love, i know its not gonna fix all the problems with it. But at least its gonna buff it a bit outside CQB. I hope this will not make it to OP
I could have any vehicle parked next to a MANA and my Annilator will lock-on to the turret first. At extreme range I can only lock-on to the turret and nothing else in the vicinity. The turret is situational enough.
What's needed is a 'Next Target' selector function so you can keep locking onto your chosen target. It's so annoying when the lock switches targets arbitrarily.
I just feel a bit sad, when i kill a brave/stupid Engi in it with my Annihilator, Since there is no lock-on warning. But the prehaps the MANA Turrets only non CQB use should as a lock-on decoy
The Rocket should lock onto w/e your looking at, with a function to target lock once you pick something and dont wanna change.
Yeah, the turret seems to have higher priority than vehicles and actual base turrets. Needs to be reduced.
Yup, basically I use it just behind the edge of terrain in front of stationary vehicles and if the look-ons aren't elevated/low enough the missile will clip the terrain /obstacle doing no damage but still allow the lock.
Also locks down jump pads and vehicle spawn pads (the former was permitted, the latter may be nerfed). And, of course, an alternate Ammo Drop.
Oh, but they do. it makes a superb anti scythe ramming device at the crown, the scythes dont render it tills its too late and itle flip them on their back before they can even realise what happend.
My crow has never locked on to a mana turret, and I have tried. though they are kinda fickle when locking onto phalax turrets.
It may be a ANN only feature, although they can still be used to ********* crows if you angle them right.
If i am having a sniping war, i ALWAYS put the MANA turret infront of my tank, and laugh when 10+ missiles impact it at once.