Remove kd?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Timothy Pearson, May 25, 2015.

  1. Timothy Pearson

    Apart from my shtty k/d - 2.5/3, there is a reason I think the k/d ratio should be removed from the game. Basically, alot players are holding themselves back in the battlefield simply because they don't want to ruin their precious k/d, it ruins the experience for themselves and for others. "uho, my k/d has gone below my limit, time to grab a tank and do some infantry farming". Wouldn't it just be great to not give a fk about whether your k/d will be affected and not have to worry about other players judging your k/d on your actual gameplay? I consider myself an okay aimer, around 33/35% hit ratio, sadly I pay too much attention on my aim while my k/d ratio suffers. There is a solution to that, just remove the damn k/d, please! It's been too long.

    btw my English is terrible because I left school early. Poor me
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  2. agentpuhpul

    hrm most good players can tell who stat pads vs who actually is a good player...
    I think KD is fine, everyone plays for different reasons. Planetside 2 is such a big game that it has room for to say "it ruins the experience for themselves and for others" how do you know what's the experience they want?

    That aside though, PERSONALLY (my opinion here, omg I can have one!) I'm not that into just rushing in and being cannon fodder :\ Yes, I enjoy playing the objectives but I'm not going to run blindly into a room only to be sent back to the spawn room again. why kill 1 person when if you just be patient and be careful, you can take out 4, 5, 6, etc?
  3. Noooooch

    As long as you can get kills and die, then players will want to have good k/d ratios. There is nothing wrong with this. There is however something wrong with pulling god damn vehicles and infantry farming all day though. I hate that ****.
  4. agentpuhpul

  5. Alchemist44

    "Apart from my shtty k/d - 2.5/3..."
    Sorry, lost me there...
  6. Timothy Pearson

    I'm really not the one to run in and kill the first person I see, haha. I've done a fair amount of hours in fps games, my average kd across most of my games sat at 4/4.2, until I decided to changed my sensitivity (worst thing I ever done), now I have to relearn my muscle memory. Anyway, I just thought that if the k/d ratio wasn't there, most people wouldn't have another thing to worry about constantly, ya know?
  7. giltwist

    The problem isn't K/D. The problem is that other stats that are more useful to the meta-game do not receive as much prominence. Just some ideas for session stats that could be given more attention:

    • Facility Captures
    • Time spent on point
    • Average kill streak length
    • Generators Sabotaged/Stabilized
    • AMS Spawns
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  8. Klypto

    4+ would be ideal.
  9. agentpuhpul

    I gotcha ;) and i see what you mean, but I think video games by nature attract competitive people, with different goals. Even if KD wasn't in the game directly, people would make websites with APIs to log that stuff anyways (though they already have those anyways) Heck most FPSes have KDR put into them, I think it's just sort of in the DNA of the genre at this point.
  10. Timothy Pearson

    I agree dude, it is true.
  11. Alchemist44

    No. Infinite would be "ideal", but a general kd of 2.5+ is nowhere nearly regarded as "******".
  12. Alan Kalane

    u wat m8?
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  13. Mianera

    If you mainly play as Infantry and not as sniper, that is a very very good K/D. Way above average. You are being humble.

    But I agree, get rid of the damn thing. It doesn't mean anything. Why? How many times are you willing to die for your faction if this wins you a alert?

    Seen a guy with a 0.1 K/D, is he a total nab? Well, here's how he contributed:

    - Piloted a Squad galaxy very well
    - Revived/heal a ton of people

    - Redeployed and ditched his vehicle/MAX if it was needed
    - Always ensured to have the squad beacon down
    - Followed orders and communicated with other squads/platoons
    - Loaded a sunderer with his squad, drove it through amp station shields and made a epic cap
    - Organized strategies and showed exceptional leadership capabilities
    - Always resupplied his team mates
    - Always switched class to fix that MAX crying "I need an engineer" at low hp in the spawn room
    - Defended with different tactics
    - Took out enemy sundies
    - Always spotted every enemy he saw
    - Countered enemy strategies
    - Always switched class to whatever was needed at the battle
    - Pretty much ensured his faction won the alert

    K/D says that this guy ^ is a noob to be laughed at. When in fact he is a HERO and the very center of the Planetside 2 player we wish we could always have with us.

    K/D belongs in a Team Deathmatch game/Arena.


    K/D is the source of all evil, stupid players that look up your stats and deny you outfit recruitment, squad/platoon invites and judge you on the pathetic stat. If your K/D is too high they call you a cheater/hacker.

    ....meh.... I wish they would just remove it. If K/D matters a lot to anyone out there, play a sniper or ESF pilot, ignore competitive/objective play and never take any risks and then please uninstall and install CSGO, CoD, BF or any other TD Arena game. Just be aware that any rational gamer wont ever care or praise you no matter how high your K/D or your skills are. They will praise you for teamplay, good humor, communication and for being friendly.
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  14. agentpuhpul

    You can maintain a very high infantry KD while doing these things... Why not have both? Kill lots of people AND do all those things?

    That's usually a compliment :)
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  15. 00000000000000000000

    I disagree with removing KDR.

    While some people pad it to make themselves look good others (specifically me in this case) use it as a means to know I'm getting better.

    When I started this game my KDR dropped abysmally to a 0.6 when I auraxiumed my first carbine (If you are a new player, do NOT choose LA as your first class) Over time I've built it up and now with two more auraxiums my KDR is 1.29 or so. Not the amazing 11+ that some people have but it shows an obvious progression in ability by me.

    All while still going for objectives and helping the team.
  16. OldMaster80

    Personally I support any change making the gameplay focus to shift from deathmatch to a wider target-based gameplay. Statistics clearly encourage people to farm kills more than conquering territory and support the team.
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  17. Pelojian

    I can understand wanting to know your own K/D to see how you have improved. however the problem is some players judge you based on your K/D. K/D only tells you and others how good you are at killing and staying alive in a general sense unless to stick to a specific type of play for the most part (ground vehicles/aircraft/infantry)

    K/D does not tell you how good someone is at following orders, thinking up counters to enemy strategy, if they are willing to swap roles/classes as it is needed to do so.

    Too many get judged on K/D and that is the problem, sometimes to win you need to use enmass attacks with all of your forces in the base trying to push the enemy off the point and make piles of allied corpses to get it done.

    People are not equal in skill, knowledge, intelligence or dexterity. some people can do all those things and have a good K/D others may not have the best K/D but may excel at some or many of those listed above by Mianera.

    Some may be good at precision shooting, others may be gifted with twitch shooting, others may have better leadership qualities and some may not like leading at all.
  18. 00000000000000000000

    Do you really want to play with people who judge others based on KDR?

    If anything those who do are just showing themselves for the idiots they are since KDR is so easily padded.
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  19. Liewec123

    i think most of us think of K/D as useless, but i wouldn't remove it, there are some people out there who want to see how high they can get it as an extra goal, i'm fine with that, but yeah there should be alterations made so logging off in combat counts as a death to stop people like the Infamous "Daddy" from playing like cowards and logging off the moment things go hairy :p

    personally with all of the redeploys and trying to push from camped spawn rooms, plus preferring to run in to a cramped room full of enemies and seeing how many i can kill (quite ofter 1/0 XD) i couldn't care less about K/D, i'm gonna have fun ;)
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  20. MarkAntony

    1. Meaningless. The more you play the higher the number. Doesn't tell anything. maybe divided by time played.
    2. Meaningless. As soone as the point is capped you should get off it and push the defenders into the spawn or kill the attackers sundies respectively.
    3. THAT IS K/D. OMG. That is the very definition of K/D.
    4. See 1.
    5.Guess it would show that your sunderer placement is good. That could be useful.

    If you are good you do both.

    @ Topic: My first thought "oh, not again...."
    Anyways. K/D has a place in any game where your ability to achieve an objective is linked to having to kill people trying to prevent you from doing it. Sound like Planetside 2?
    Can't capture that base unless you can kill the people defending it. And you had better be able to clear the place where I died before reviving me. I won't accept revives just to die instantly. It achieves nothing.
    And any person with some common sense uses K/D in conjunction with other stats. But you still need it to get the complete picture.