Remove foreign players from US servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. DQCraze

    Since you dont allow vpn you should be able to stop foreign players from joining US servers. Lag is significant enough to affect gameplay.
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  2. Jake the Dog

    We should build a wall.
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  3. Liewec123


    dam you beat me to it by 30 seconds XD
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  4. JKomm

    The only way this would be possible is if the game starts making enough money to bring their previous servers back online. They can't "remove" foreign players because they have no where to go... what you're asking for here is essentially a ban wave against a region.
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  5. stalkish

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  6. Pat22

    I have a friend from Austria, I'd like to be able to keep playing with him.
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  7. Toxicate

    And we will make the Vanu pay for it! That spandex money will go to a much better use.
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  8. Daigons

    A rather pointless request since it's so easy to get around geo blocking with VPN services.
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  9. Gobble

    LMAO as soon as I seen the title I new what the replys would be.
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  10. Daigons

    Indeed. LOL

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  11. Jake the Dog

    How could that not be a reply to this post XD
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  12. oTec

    Son of a xxxxx!

    2hours too late
  13. AllRoundGoodGuy

    How about yall move over there.....
  14. Cosmir

    If you spot someone with a foreign name just lead them twice as much.
    Besides, the Brazilians are propping up our population numbers. They love F2P games. Let's just make sure not to go full Germany and start importing them.
    I don't mind them because I don't have to directly deal with them like in Dota 2 and have their awful playstyle degrade my experience. They stick to their own outfits and I just see them as other soldiers on the battlefield.
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  15. AllRoundGoodGuy

    Yeah, no kidding. Peruvians are the most toxic people in Dota 2.

    And were going to have two lunches! Football rules!

    On a serious note there's two things in life I hate. People who are racist against other people's cultures, and the Dutch.
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  17. The Rogue Wolf

    "What we need in a game suffering population problems is fewer players!"
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  18. Rebelgb

    Yeah and who is racist against foreign cultures? Trump? Your not that stupid are you or are you a typical kook aid drinker? Wanting the immigration laws of this country to be followed, you know like the rest of our laws, is not racist. Nor is not wanting to allow immigrants from countries that hate us if we cant properly screen them to know they mean no harm to the LEGAL citizens already here.
  19. dreamcast87


    Putting aside the obvious Trump Wall references (quite funny by the way keep posting them). @ OP I do understand lag is an issue but seriously do you really want "LESS" people playing PS2? Banning "foreign players" is not a good idea for anyone, improving netcode, client, servers etc is IMO the better solution.
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  20. Corezer

    lol saw that coming