[Suggestion] Remove C4 from LA or buff tank HP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnGalt36, Jan 17, 2016.

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  1. FateJH

    I think you're overthinking it.

    Let's start from a strange place: just another kind of armor, like Front Armor, Side Armor, and so forth. Currently, 2xC4 obliterates tanks and 1xC4 almost obliterates tanks. The result of said Armor? 2xC4 sets the tank well into its burning phase and to such a critical health state that unless it gets repaired now it will most certainly explode. In this state, the driver doesn't even have a chance of driving more than a handful of meters before the tank goes out with a bang on its own. If the tank user does not have Fire Suppression, he must get out and hope he is an Engineer so that he can apply repairs immediately. Meanwhile, the Light Assault who dropped the charges is still in the area, which means getting out of the tank and directing one's tool towards it is still perilous. To capitalize on this vulnerability, the LA must also be in a strong position around the time after detonation.

    This creates interplay by simply introducing uncertainty in the end state, and the Light Assault is still no weaker position for it against the driver than when we started.
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  2. Iridar51

    You and other people keep brining overcomplicated solutions to a simple problem. Keep moving. That is the direct counter to a C4 attack. Even the edgy bail assaults and galaxy drops won't be able to C4 a moving tank.

    Abandon ship is merely a last ditch effort, just as staying in place and trying to shoot the LA from the sky with tank weapons is the last stupid effort.

    Tankers keep asking for a coaxial LMG. On one hand - I can agree with them, it sort of makes sence for a tank to have something like this.

    But it's not how it should be done, in my opinion. There are secondary weapons for a reason. The secondary gunner should have a Kobalt or a Basilisk and there's your answer. The problem with that is the tanks NEED their secondary slot to fight other tanks.

    Devs kinda cornered themselves when they introduced AV secondaries. It was a huge mistake that is too late to fix now. Secondary slot should always have been the self defense option against air and/or infantry, and the main cannon should have been AP only.

    There is such a problem as too much variety. It forces specialization and rock-paper-scissors balance, which sucks donkey dick.

    None of this would help, though.

    C4 is not something you see coming. It's not an indomitable cloud of doom that's about to engulf you, and you can't do anything about it, even if you see it coming a mile away.

    Most of the time, the tanker just sits about his business, or better yet, does something very interesting, like dueling another tank, and suddenly PLOPs to a passing by LA. Of course it's aggravating, just as it is aggravating to go about your business as LA, and suddenly get oneshotted by a tank from 200m away.

    Tough break, **** happens. One hit kill mechanics aren't fun for anyone.

    I guess the C4 can be nerfed by making it produce a loud and clear sound when it is deployed, similar to infiltrator cloaks. It won't help the 95%, but at least they won't have the excuse.
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  3. Mezinov

    I tend to do that. I have also been told I spend alot of time making solutions to problems that only exist in my head.

    I am not opposed to this kind of solution - but you may find only Vanguards rolling with it, and it may otherwise end up just as used as Mineguard and Top Armor are.

    I personally think Top Armor and Mineguard should be rolled into one certification.

    See above for the response to the directly quoted text, but to the post as a whole;

    I am not opposed to a deployment sound. Alot of problems in Planetside 2 could be solved with a bit better of a sound engine or sound diversity (I don't know where the problem actually lies). Why are Liberators and Gals whisper quiet until they run you over? Why can I hear an ESF from the other side of the continent?

    However, constantly moving is not the end-all solution to C4; I get C4ed fairly frequently when I run tanks - and I don't sit still. Sitting still isn't my playstyle until I am really tired or "in that mood" (want to be in planetside, but don't want to do anything really intense), at which point you will see me pulling AA duty or babysitting a spawnpoint.

    This could be confirmation bias in the sense that I main NC - and the Vanguard stationary and the Vanguard in motion are barely distinguishable from eachother to infantry. But even though, as a tank, I am constantly moving (even while firing or engaging a stationary target) I feel - NC, TR, or VS - I still get C4ed an uncomfortably large amount.
  4. LodeTria

    I'm not defending the guy, and think c4 is mostly fine, but it's really not as "skillful" as driving a harasser.
    Not that harasser driving is super skillful or something, but it's certainly not that easy.
  5. Iridar51

    Anyone can drive a harasser, few can drive a harrasser and make circles around enemy tanks without getting stuck in terrain features.

    Anyone can fly on a jet pack, few know their limits, how far can they fly without crashing, when is the perfect moment to stop the free flight from the jump pad and start maneuvering on their own.
    LOL maybe :D
  6. XanIves

    IMHO the only way to make everyone happy about balance issues is to make every single player a heavy with an NS-15m, commissioner, and Deci. There's only one vehicle, the Flash, which is locked to have the kobalt and mineguard. The only base available is a biolab. repeated endlessly across the continent, where you can redeploy to any territory you own.

    Until this comes around, forumside's gonna keep *****in, and will never be satisfied no matter how many nerfs/buffs the devs push out.
  7. Mezinov

    I avoid Biolabs and participate in Forumside.

    There is no end.
  8. XanIves

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  9. FateJH

    There are times where I get fed up with vehicles in this game, as much as anyone may; but, I don't hate them that much.
  10. matt0027

    This is why I use Proximity Radar 4. I learned early on that the biggest threat to my tank isn't other tanks, but enemy infantry.
  11. oberchingus

    Ooooooh I love this idea! It will never happen because we're vehicle players, but it's a lovely idea!!
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  12. daalnni

    That's right, why get better at the game when you can just change the parts of it you suck at?

    They can literally be killed by everything on the map and generally die in the process, but you're mad one guy wasted both charges on you and Kept you from farming infantry in a tank.

    Entitlement is ******* hilarious.
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  13. XenoxusPrime

    So you farmed a bunch of idiots that sat there and were easy kills in every other way to show it being easy as hell, i guess you were in a massive zerg as well so no one focused on you. How about ignoring the fact that you already have experience playing and know what to do? But sure i guess noobie players are automatically amazing when they hop in a tank, i will remember that for the next time i kill a noobie lightning that misses all his shots in close quarters. I will also remember when a br 4 with one c4 runs up and kills my tank because i got hit with one damn rocket.
  14. Azawarau

    Spawn point?


    Pushing power?

    Do you really think troops dont have any reason to go after tanks or dont have anything to lose?
  15. Rogueshadow

    Best tactic for anti infantry is to get out of your tank and shoot them down. If you don't want that you can always equip your tank with a cobalt. The only reason people play light assault is to use C4, otherwise platoons and squads discourage the use in favor of using heavies, engineers, and medics. It's only other viable use is for tower fights and beacon placement so take away the C4 and light assaults will be one of the least used infantry in the game.

    Remember that you also have access to air vehicles you can always use an esf to discourage them or even better destroy their sundy via the esf weapons or simply dropping out and planting tank mines around the sundy. If it has shield one tank mine can take out the shield and then use the rest to destroy it.
  16. Sebastien

    Yeah I really do think infantry have nothing to lose. Unless you have a terrible K/D and can't afford to mar it anymore by dying when you fail to suicide rush a tank or run out of rockets in a hare-brained scheme.

    Land is traded constantly and has no strategic value when you consider the fact that Resource tick rates are uniform.
  17. Geddes

    infantry support is critical, its super easy to skeet shoot the fairies out of the sky with a lmg, combined arms ftw.
  18. ColonelChingles

    If that's the "best" tactic available to tankers then it means that PS2 tanks are truly in a sorry state.

    I can't recall a single military since the invention of tanks where such advice was even considered, much less given. While certainly sometimes a single crew member would be assigned to a position outside the tank, such a role was only for the purposes of spotting threats for the tank to engage.

    Can you imagine the ridiculousness if the moment an M1A2 TUSK crew sees a lone enemy rifleman and the best option is to dismount and engage with carbines? :p

    In reality they just laugh because there's not much a single soldier can do to a tank. Then they'd have their choice of methods to gun them down. Maybe the coaxial machinegun? Or how about either of the two machineguns mounted on the roof? Or if we're really feeling fancy we can use the second coaxial HMG, which is as accurate as a sniper rifle, harder hitting, and has much better optics and stabilizers.

    Yeah, real MBTs today can have as many as 4 different machineguns on them.


    (If you're missing the fourth, it's that little tube that runs along the main gun)

    In Battlefield 3 mobile artillery units got a utility called "Proximity Defense", which when activated killed all infantry surrounding the vehicle in a 5-10m radius.

    It would certainly be amusing to watch a LA try to bomb you, only to bomb them back! :D
  19. zu2

    I've had this happen quite a few times and at first couldn't figure out what was happening. I thought they were dropping from a high altitude valk or something. What they do is they place a cloaked sunderer not far from a jumppad at a base they don't own. The longer the jump from the jumppad the better. At the right altitude they engage their drifters and zoom into the area and place their c4. What is the counter? You have to find and destroy the sunderer, which means you have to figure out where they are coming from. Use a fighter with thermal, they will show up while in the air from a good distance and you can then backtrack them. Bakaraymoo and his boys love to engage in these tactics and I also get satisfaction in destroying the sunderer and killing them.
  20. Imp C Bravo

    I think you are pretty much right about this. Lets not forget in real life we don't have jetpacks with which to drop bricks of C4 so I am not sure real life tank battle tactics apply -- but that really doesn't detract anything from what you said. It seems to me Iridar said it right earlier -- the secondary should be for killing infantry. The secondary should be, as you just showed us, the machinegun the tank uses for killing infantry as pictured in that modern MBT. A coax gun wouldn't be bad either.

    Seems to me they should just remove AV secondary weapons. If all tanks only have the option of AA or AI for their secondary then we won't have any problem with C4 on tanks. And they won't have any more trouble with other tanks as all the other tanks have a similar 1 main cannon (except prowlers of course) for the purposes of fighting other tanks.

    As it is, though, I have been C4'ed in my lightning very few times over the course of my planetside 2 career. I also stay as mobile as possible (and as such get caught by mines occasionally.) Even if nothing changes, mobility and situational awareness prevent the vast majority of C4 deaths.

    And the AE proximity "kill infantry" special would be hilarious.
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