Remove 1 Class from the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpruceMoose, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. Regpuppy

    Honestly, you could cut things down to Heavy/medic/engie by giving the heavy a flak cannon and the engie the radar darts/sensor device. Heavy because you need one kill-focused class that makes the support classes useful (lol)

    But if I had to pick just one? Light assault is first up. Aside from the occasional LA rush and C4 spam, they add very little to a team that another class can't accomplish. Infiltrator is also on some shaky ground. Give their recon tools to another class and they pretty much become as irrelevant as LA. Max is third up, since they're essentially a more powerful Heavy. Give heavies flak cannons and they're mostly good bumrushing a point with bodies.
  2. GoyoElGringo

    You know, I never cared about snipers in the game because most people who snipe are really bad, until I started playing engineer. Sitting on turrets is supposed to be cool, but instead I'm trying not to get sniped the whole time. I don't understand why they felt the need to put a headshot hole in the AI turret. HA already counters it with rockets, snipers aren't needed.
  3. Xind

    OHK snipers have never added anything positive to any fps they have ever been in.
    It does suck worse for support agents working with a tether line. You just can't go very far or move around that much while repairing or healing.
    One of the biggest reasons I chose PS1 over other fps was the lack of location based damage and OHK snipers. Those snipers had to work for their solo kills or support other (closer) players.
  4. \m/SLAYER\m/

    yes, medics wasting our time, we waiting for them, but they never come .. give HA med tool, because 90% using this class
  5. NMDanny

    I'd remove heavy assault: It has no tactical significance, it's just an overpowered killing class. It doesn't make sense to give it an instant win button.

    I'd give its MG to the medic and the launchers to the engineer.
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  6. JudgeNu

    The No-Class player.
  7. NinjaTurtle

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  8. DFDelta

    Necromancers Medics.

    By far the strongest infantry class.
    Combining the "best" infantry weapon class with a self heal and a revive ability that is both unlimited and ridicliously fast is a thing that should never have happened.
  9. eldarfalcongravtank


    fastest, most versatile and most elitist vehicle in the entire game. with its large arsenal of weaponry it can deal with any situation and creates frustrating gameplay for both air, ground and infantry. if i had the chance to get rid of this abomination of hell, i wouldn't hesitate a second
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  10. Atis

    GOOD. ,,/(O,O)\,,
    Being friends would make shooting you a little bit harder.
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  11. Demigan

    The LA should get more to do in the game. It's the most fun class you can have! And as for "no value", the amount of times an LA broke a stalemate are innumerable. I personally broke enormous amounts of sieges by shotgunning/C4ring/knifing/gunning people down until my teammates noticed the lack of return fire and moved in. Do you know how powerful it is if you kill all medics, or all engineers? MAX's are suddenly out of repairs, but they often don't notice until they are dead, then scream in Yell "where the hell were my repairs?". Well, I killed those, in the meantime they are out of MAX support to tank and get steamrolled.

    LA's are also perfect for attacking Sunderers. Imagine having to go through 50 enemies that constantly respawn, the closer you get the more concentrated and faster you encounter them. You can hardly surprise them, you can just move closer and closer untill you can finally shoot it. After which you hope you got someone with AT mines or enough Heavies to blow it up. LA can circumvent all that and with three LA blow up most Sundies, wreak havoc halfway down the line with a flank or generally open up the route.

    I agree with ColonelChingles here, if anything more classes should be added with unique properties.
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  12. Hammerlock

    i can live with LA but plz ... remove c4 from it and i am happy with it ...
  13. iller


    (yes, it's its own class, and it needs to die so that all other infantry can live)
  14. pnkdth

    +1. Comparing it to the power of other 1 player vehicles only serves to highlight the issue. It is the only 1 player vehicle which can toggle between two weapons, thus be competent at dealing with both light and heavy targets. Meanwhile, when you spawn a lightning, you need to choose... But who are we to argue with the glorious skygods. We are but walking certs on the ground.
  15. Gemenai

  16. Matt879

    Snipers aren't exactly very strong in this game, I know very few people who ever use them effectively in actual combat. The cloak's extremely easy to see now for everyone unless the infiltrator is far away, infiltrators have 100 less HP by default, and most classes have weaponry that will deal more DPS up close than infiltrators. They're hardly that strong, and probably require the most thinking out of all the classes to use effectively. I honestly don't see how they can frustrate you unless you for some magical reason can't see them while they're moving around cloaked.
  17. RoofLurker

    if you're unsure refer to this table:
    my favorite play style ---------------------------- class I want to remove
    heavy assault---------------------------------------- MAX
    ground vehicle driver------------------------------ Light assault
    air pilot-------------------------------------------------- MAX
    Light assault------------------------------------------ Infiltrator
    Support Medic/Engineer-------------------------- Light assault/infiltrator
    Infiltrator ------------------------------------------------Light assault
    MAX -----------------------------------------------------Light assault/Heavy assault
    (feel free to correct the table)
  18. Atis

    People successful sneak in everywhere with HAs, how hard can it be with barely visible cloak, especially at night? Clock works great at distances over 15m, you can run in open field under heavy artillery fire and survive.
    Not sure what popular weapon can compete very well with SMG in CQC, not much people run shotguns all the time. And spammable knife is sick, you are dead in 0.3s after hearing uncloak sound.
    Snipers can kill from distance where you cant shoot back unless you are sniper yourself, while its not very effective tactics, it's extremely frustrating.
    So infil's contribution in game is low while his contribution in cheesiness is over the top.
  19. VonStalin

    MAX, because it is the most annoying thing in the game.
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  20. Dualice

    People complain about infiltrators when it is in fact quite easy to counter a lot of them if you use your senses. The class relies on deception and element of surprise rather than brute force and a ****-off great LMG. Horses for courses.

    I think every infantry class in-game has its place. Light assault could do with some sprucing up though.