Remove 0.75x ADS from VS Heavies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SacredRay, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Goretzu

    The problem is the 200 damage teir isn't really a perk it is a difference.

    0.75 ADS and RoF can be a perk (and not just a difference) however.

    It's a complex thing though..... and the major issue seems to be that whilst SOE have clear(ish) ideas of NC and TR differences (and perks or drawbacks) they seem less clear about the VS (which is understandable as it seems to be confused and often not a lot of ground between the TR and NC where they often try to cram the VS in).

    Although I don't think the VS are exactly badly off balance-wise currently...... more that they should have had their colours from Beta Silver, Teal and Black rather than Purple, Teal and Black.
  2. Axehilt

    Personally I consider 0.75 ADS pretty overrated. As someone who plays all factions, my favorite LMG is still the CARV as it maximizes raw DPS and mag size while remaining reasonably effective at range. Orion is nice and punchy too, but the mag size is painful and often I take an SVA just for the extra shots (or if it's not a face-melting CQC fight I go extended mags on my Flare; currently seeing my highest LMG KPH from the Flare actually.)

    Man! It's like you almost have to aim and track a target in a FPS game! What could be worse! /s

    Learn how to ******* aim and stop crying.

    Not sure if trolling or just spends too much time sniping...
  5. hostilechild

    For all the people saying .75 while ADS doesn't matter, then you shouldn't care if it is removed :p But we all know it does. I would rather see them get a little damage or clipsize adjustment in compensation (what HA should have) LA/Infils should have the only .75

    But as another said. Put .75 on my anchor or gd22s and all is good. (small clip size/low dmg tier guns like orion and better cqc than others) Perfect fit.
  6. Huxer

    Right, doesn't the NS LMG version that is available to everyone have .75 ADS?
  7. IrishPride

    Yeah, totally agree if it isnt such a huge deal...well then other lmg's on the other empires deserve it too right? OR maybe the VS technology made it as light as an smg? ;)
  8. z1967

    Personally, .75ADS should be a trait of all carbines/smgs/(some)shotguns and some select ARs. ADAD on the tank/dps class is pretty silly imo, and not exactly something I am a fan of. Lmgs (perhaps with the exception of the NS-15M) should be stuck on .25ADS and .50ADS. The current .75 ADS Lmgs would be buffed to compensate losing mobility.
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  9. gloowa

    I take Flare over Orion every time. Flare is goddamn monster in CQB (you just headshot them and they die) AND is very capable at range.
  10. Kolbax

    Another ******** scrub shouts 'nerf vanu'. The Shock! The novelty! :eek:

    How about instead of nerfing the game and driving away yet more people, you help yourself to a nice cup of **** and do something useful. Liiike.. I something that actually draws people to the game and its factions and helps with its nigh on dead population perhaps?

    People like you are half the reason the factions are borderline the same, bland boring, with no actual asymmetrics.

    In all honesty 'forumside', why dont you just create a poll for 'removing everything in game' and just have three identical teams with the same weapons and no differences at all.

    You can even just go with pistols and knives and have no unique weapons entirely. Maybe then you'll finally stop your whinge generation self-entitled ******** and go find something better to do.
  11. Thurwell

    If you think .75 ADS on an LMG is such a big deal use the NS-15M, it's available to every faction and has .75. RoF isn't great but accuracy is great, with a very fast reload time for an LMG.
  12. AmitGr

    Mobility is faction trait of VS.

    Asking for removal of x0.75 ADS is equivalent of requesting to remove 200 damage from NC guns because "only NC has it".
    At least everyone has access to x0.75 LMG - NS15M
  13. Lamat

    ...and 200 damage guns come with a price of the lowest rate of fire and COF issues.

    Also, 0.75 ADS guns ARE available to all, thus you made my point for me and it is not a VS trait. Your trait is no bullet drop, which is a side grade just like the other factions:

    NC high damage nullified by low ROF
    TR high ROF nullified by low damage.
    VS no bullet drop, not usable on most weapons that would benefit the most from it.

    No advantages, just side grades.
  14. Ztiller

    If our trait is no-bullet drop, how come it gets removed in 2/3 scenarios where it's useful?
  15. Gambitual

    Let us not forget that most VS weapons have lower bullet velocity as well.

    Every faction has faction-specific weapons with .75x ADS movement speed. If you add up all the weapons that have this special trait, the VS has 1 more weapon than the other factions. This hardly indicates that mobility is a VS trait.

    And the Orion does not have access to soft point ammo. Something which it needs as the most close quarters combat oriented VS LMG. And if you ask me, it kicks like a truck.
  16. Lamat

    Why do my high damage guns have low DPS?
  17. cruczi

    Your high damage guns have low TTK.
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  18. Darkwulf

    Mobility is the vanu trait. If you want to start taking stuff away, then why not just make all the factions the same. Also just for the record I am using the flare right now for the directives, which does not have the .75 ADS. Doesn't seem to make much of a difference. You still have to play to the guns strong points.

    Also doesn't the NS-15 have .75 ADS?
  19. NoctD

    0.75X ADS should be removed from all LMGs, if HAs want to achieve that, let them use SMGs.

    The Orion can get 100 rounds like the CARV/SAW in return. Not sure what should be tweaked on the SVA-88/NS-15M, but 0.75X ADS should definitely be removed from them as well.
  20. Darkwulf

    I am fairly sure the orion does not have an extended mag option. If it does I much prefer forward grip.

    I would rather see factions have unique traits. I say keep it and all the other faction traits TR and NC have.