Regarding snipers, why is this a nerf?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by teks, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. teks

    I'm going to keep this short. I'm legitimately confused here.

    Currently everyone wears nanoweave, or at least thats what snipers have been saying for the past like year, and I believe them. Snipers were upset because a guy can tank a snipershot with nanoweave reliably unless hes right up on the sniper.

    SOE decides to nerf nanoweave, and make it so nanoweave no longer effects headshots at all. In exchange they made it so snipers still can't one hot kill from beyond 150 meters.

    Now, Im confused. Everyone says this RUINED snipers, yet ultimately it allows snipers to one-hit-kill targets from a greater distance then before, and they still perform just as they did before from beyond that distance.

    Why is this a nerf?

    (please refrain from whining)
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  2. Giggily

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  3. daniel696

    I also haven't understand this.
  4. Jakko

    A valid observation, prepare to be flamed.
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  5. Ryme

    Because the main objection of snipers against NW was that they couldn't ohk everyone at all ranges. With the change to sniper rifles, they still can't ohk everyone at all ranges. It's not so much a new complaint about a new nerf, but rather a continuation of the existing complaint but with "150M limit" replacing "Nano Weave" in all their arguments.

    Once you realize this, all the posts by snipers complaining about how the change has ruined sniper rifles in the current game build will make sense. Otherwise you'll be wondering how they can be complaining about a change that hasn't even be put in.
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  6. Flapatax

    Because this is Sniper Elite, and removing long distance makes literally no sense in a single player sniping simulator. I honestly don't understand the rationale behind this at all--it's in the title.
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  7. SquattingPig

    The new argument is that they'll get less kills because actually not that many players use NW relative to the number of people they kill outside of 150m. Yeah.....:p
  8. GrayPhilosophy

    As a sniper, it's just really really really rewarding to snipe someone from 200+ m. It's a constant challenge that tests ones personal skill in aiming and precalculating the path of the bullet. I haven't personally experienced a lot of the nanoweave issue, nor am I strongly against the change in an "ERMGERD IMMA QUIT DA GAME" manner. I would really prefer a longer range than 150 m but I'm prepared to adapt.

    The added range does make us able to get a wider view of the battlefield though, providing us with the ability (given you know what you're doing as a sniper) to support our team through information as well as opportunistic elimination of support infantry and counter sniping.
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  9. LT_Latency

    It depends on how you play.

    If you play in the most effective range of the infiltrator around 75-150m and want to help your team and get lots of kills it is a huge buff.

    If you want to snipe from 2 miles away it's a nerf
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  10. starecrow

    Then having to get a headshot+follow-up bodyshot should feel even more rewarding, since it's even harder to do? (not really trying to attack you, you seem reasonable - but many of the nay-sayers make this one of their main points)
  11. The Shermanator

    Long range sniping is one of the few things that this game offers over other FPS.

    Sniping in CoD, Battlefield, and other similar games isn't really sniping. It doesn't take any particular skill, it's just high-damage weapons put in an arena where they can no scope people because ranges are so close, and there are predictable avenues at all times on any given map. In Planetside, however, sniping takes place at ******** ranges, at times; effectively bridging the gap between ARMA-style realistic sniping and arcade sniping, which is far more commonly seen.

    I rarely die to snipers. Not often enough to call for this sort of arbitrary hard-cap to be implemented. If I could sit down with Matt Higby, right now, this is what I would try to convince him of: This game has been going through a massive identity crisis. It does not know if it wants to be perfectly symmetrical, or asymmetrical. It does not know if it wants to follow the beaten path, or forge a new avenue in online gaming as its predecessor did. We can argue all day about what is good and what is not good for this game, but I think we can all agree that we should not sacrifice one of the things that makes us contrast against the background of generic FPS: Our snipers.
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  12. LT_Latency

    Have you even played BF?? In BF you can snipe from much farther away because they is no limit on the rendering of infantry. This game is hard capped by rendar distance
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  13. Flapatax

    I take it you haven't played Battlefield recently. At least not Conquest mode.

    Also, as it has been said, if you came to PS2 for its sniper gameplay that was a poor choice. That is far and away from what makes it unique.
  14. The Shermanator

    I have. Everything in Battlefield is short range save for a few specific examples. That being said, I have not seen Battlefeld 4.

    I also do not play infiltrator. I'm a full-time medic with some solo time as a HA. However, I realize when a class is being shafted. As much as I hate SMG infils and think they are the scum-sucking bottom of the barrel of any and all FPS players, I can hardly blame them after this upcoming change. It's arbitrary, it doesn't make sense from a game play perspective or allow for any suspension of disbelief.
  15. LT_Latency

    Battle field has 40x scopes. How is that short range?? Not sure what game you are playing.
  16. PapaMojo

    As has been said elsewhere, this is a nerf to long-range sniping only. The reason many people who do long range sniping are upset is that they could get kills past 150m on OHK when the person was wearing something other then nanoweave, like flak.

    Now, essentially everyone gets NW2 against snipers past 150m.

    It is a nerf to long range sniping only....but for many people that is a play-style that they like to engage in, and the change would make it essentially obsolete. So yes, it is a buff in terms of medium-short range sniping, but it is a nerf to long range.
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  17. Flapatax

    You can suspend your disbelief as a medic?

    In any event BF4 and 3 have some pretty stupidly huge maps and incredibly long sniping opportunities that directly contradict your point.

    And making infiltrators more efficacious within the range they should be operating/are able to operate effectively anyway is hardly getting shafted. I would argue that the immensity of the positive aspect of this change dwarfs any effect on the long distance players, especially as most people are running nano as it is.
  18. Shadowyc

    It is a buff.
    And a nerf.
    It's moving the NW5 range of 70 and below meters. To 150 meters!~
    Unfortunately, that's how far you need to be to 1-shot anyone with NW2 - 3.
  19. raw

  20. JackD

    Killing people from those ranges isnt a problem, and as the game goes you start far away from a base and apporach it. So yes not beeing able to give people from 150+ distance a headshot while iam about to advance is a nerf.

    It is also ridiculous that you guys think a Sniper just plays long or short range. Wo do have the WASD buttons. So we actually snipe from more than just one distance. This shouldnt be hard to understand.