Redeployside: this must stop NOW.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OldMaster80, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. GoyoElGringo

    ESFs cost 350.
  2. Opticalsnare

    Whats the point? this game has been the same since it first went public. Its just a circle of stupid designs of OP this which makes this UP this it will never change cause the devs have a magic 8-ball on anything related to game design.

    8 Ball shall we make this design into the game...

    Answer: Why the **** not!!!
  3. William Petersen

    350 < 450. My point stands. Moreover, when they re-do the resource system so it's per-base, the WG should have a vast sea of resource for you to use.
  4. OldMaster80

    Assuming you need 1 minute to go to the battle, you already got back 60 nanites when you're arrived.
    Then as William said soon or later they'll release the rest of the resources system and vehicle will probably cost nothing when spawned at the warpgate.
  5. GoyoElGringo

    I wasn't challenging your point.
  6. Dethfield

    Just want to point out that this situation (getting cheap, quick and easy transport across amerish) is EXACTLY what the valkyrie would be good at, and may actually become useful if redployside is removed/reduced.
  7. William Petersen

    Oh, sorry. Same 'avatar', I didn't even check name. x_x "My bad" as they say.
  8. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    What? This is a problem?

    Isnt that how Defense and Atack works?
    Base owner has the advantage to actualy spawn in their own base for free whenever they want to.
    Atackers who want that base to spawn there themselves for free need to put in some effort to get it and outplay the defender advantage.

    Why would you want to capture a base and what would it be worth if you cant spawn there? Without a free spawn the base owner would be the atacker and the the actual atacker the defender.... weird and far away from the concept.

    Btw, losing against overpop in one area is not related to your redeploy "problem". Blame your faction for not supporting your base atack and not the defending faction where simply more people than yours thought to hold the base.

    "Problem".... pff. Whats next? Remove Biolab teleporters and gravity rails because they provide too quick entry ways and people need to fly up there?
  9. Whiteagle

    I'm glad someone understands how lacking this is as an issue right now...

    Heh heh heh... THEY DID THAT **** IN BETA!!!

    Seriously, we didn't even have Biolab Grav Lifts back then, and the entire concept of "Satellite Bases" was developed just so we had a means of getting up to the Dome without Galaxy AMS or ESFs...
  10. HadesR

    Under the current context of the game .. A giant TDM ... Redeploy is fine as it is , it suits the type of game we have ...

    Now in the future after they have added better base benefits and a proper Resource / logistic system it should be looked at and tweaked to fit those additions ..

    Atm with how the game stands you can't make redeploy or getting to a fight a " chore " as it will do more harm than good .. Only suggestion that makes even an ounce of sense under the current climate is adding a small resource cost for a redeploy .. ( Small being 50 - 100 )
  11. Gorganov

    This is the problem. The BEST way to capture a base right now is to SPAWN CAMP. The SPAWN CAMP should signal the END OF THE FIGHT, not the entirety of the game. Ideally both the attackers and defenders fight each other over superior spawning positions to control the point.

    This should mostly apply to smaller outposts - which should act more like a buffer between the important bases.
  12. SvengalPlaysGames

    Hey I've made an quite easy but awesome solution to this problem would you guys mind to take a look at it?
  13. Turiel =RL=

    Here is how resecures worked in PS1 (yes, they did happen there also folks): The outfit would recall to Sanctuary (which was an empire specific home zone), pull like 3-4 Galaxies and FLY to the target. That would take a couple of minutes and certainly be far from insta-gib. Instant Action was on a big timer and basically every operation was Galaxy-based.
  14. Bonom Denej

    What happened when you died ?
  15. Chewy102

    You body sat there for 1-3 minutes with a revive timer. Miss the timer or choose to respawn and you are put in the map menu. From the map you have the choice to spawn at

    1- An AMS withing X meters of you.
    2- The closest tower your faction owned.
    3- The nearest base ( not certain if it has a max range or not, been a long time)
    4- Back at the sanctuary.
    5- A any main base that had a terminal to link your DNA (only 1 base at a time can be linked to you and you HAVE to go to a base to link to it), and if you could find said terminal.

    I never played PS1 in its hay days but you never had that many spawn options but had plenty of time for a revive or ghost those watching your body. There was no warp to any base you wish at any time unless you fall back to the sanctuary first and wait on the drop ships. Even then you had to wait a good 2-7 minutes for loading, walking to the drop ship, waiting for the ship to do its rounds, waiting for everyone to group up, and then you could pod down to an area outside of a main base. Then you'd need to walk into a friendly base to arm up ( you don't spawn with your full gear if I recall right) and pull vehicles, that you REALLY needed for field travel, who all take more time before traveling to your goal.

    A redeploy in PS2. 30 seconds at most for any number of players to near any place on the map with any non MAX infantry class/loadout.
    A redeploy in PS1. 30 seconds if to a DNA linked base but up to 10 minutes or longer for any other place on the map IF your faction has a lattice link.
  16. Bonom Denej

    Thanks. Now I know.

    But honestly, that seems like a lot of waiting and off-battle time. While I can see the appeal of that for some people, as someone who can only play by session of 45 minutes to one hour, I wouldn't be happy if I spent a significant ammount of this time in transport or just dead waiting for a revive...

    I can understand why people would want the redeploy mechanics to be overhauled but I definitely don't want this. My mind would change if I played by two hours sessions, I could afford a little bit of off-time then.
  17. FateJH

    You dropped fully equipped with whatever you had when boarding the HART shuttle. You could even drop pre-cloaked. Only when formally spawning in a tube or at an AMS did you come out in your standard armor, "pajamas" as they were called. The rest of what you said in the paragraph is correct.
  18. Shakemachete

    It seems the problem is on one side, people want logistics to matter in competitive events such as alerts. On the other side, others simply want to be able to get to the best fight possible and redeploy lets them do that. So why not balance the two wants? During alerts, redeploy is temporarily removed (if you don't like that you don't have to participate in the alert) and all transport vehicles are 50% off (the figure doesn't exactly have to be 50 but you get the point) empowering logistics. When the alert is over the changes are simply removed.