[Reddit] Welcome the newest additions to the DBG team

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pfundi, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Pfundi


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  2. Endlave

    Wow, Scrin, you made it! Congrats! Don't mind that they misspelled your name, man. It happens. This certainly doesn't mean this is april fools or something. :D
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  3. Scr1nRusher

    They never asked me about this before hand.

    Do you know how much this upsets me over the fact that I finally get a DBG tag, but its all just one big joke for a subreddit I can't even go on?

    Also how people think I would be bad at working on game balance, when the reason why PS2 is so screwed up is because of dumb balancing, lack of roles & design problems.

    are u serious;y in charge of infantry balance or is it a joke? becase if yes it could be good or bad u could balance it your way(bad) or you could listen to reasonable people
  5. Scr1nRusher

    Its an April Fools joke.(LEARN TO READ).

    Also, fixing Infantry balance isn't that complex.

    Then again you have been trolling these forums for so long & downright coming after me.
  6. Endlave

    Relax, Scrin. It's a joke. And in a way, they acknowledge you as a part of the community by adding your name there. (And disregard the toxic kid. He just wants to get under your skin)
  7. Demigan

    Why isn't Chingles in command of vehicles? With Scrin for infantry you would instantly get a war where infantry weapons are constantly buffed against vehicles and vehicles get non-stop buffs and extra weapons to "put infantry on their rightful place". Guaranteed destruction of the game within... 2 days?

    Anyone who can come up with a faster combination to maul the game be my guest...
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    i like to eat people from the inside out
  9. Endlave

  10. Scr1nRusher

    Ah no. I actually do have a plan to help balance the game that will actually work.
  11. Pelojian

    sure, use that new uplink device and give everyone unlimited orbital strikes which they can use from anywhere to hit anywhere on the map, also equip lightnings with tactical nuclear shells and MBTs with strategic nuclear shells, make skyguards shoot lasers and coyote rockets at the same time and lastly replace air's weapons with water pistols.

    there! instant game mauling.

    *whistles while the high pop servers burn*
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  12. breeje

    damn April fools, i was already looking out for some weapon balances
  13. Demigan

    I was actually aiming at which combination of people here on the forums would cause the game to be dead ASAP if they gained control to change some part of the game at will.
  14. Demigan

    I want to hear it, tell me your plan! Does it incorporate counterplay and interplay? Does it have some kind of social difficulty curve to ease people into the social part of the game instead of it being an on/off switch between "no social stuff required" to "leading 48 people who have no interest in being led anywhere"? How does your idea for this game work?
  15. Pelojian

    chingles in charge of infantry balance.
    reclaimer in charge of vehicle balance.

    watch them troll each other with 'balance' changes as they make each other's playstyles unbearable while the game collapses around them.
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  16. Demigan

    I actually don't know which one is worse. My version where power creep will skyrocket as both sides are trying to buff their part to the standard they expect, or your version where both sides will keep nerfing their parts to indirectly buff their interest.
  17. Pelojian

    reclaimer hates vehicles with a passion, chingles wants more realistic vehicle play, i figure reclaimer would nerf vehicles so they can't hurt infantry as well (aka no more 1HK), i can see chingles going for C4 and changing it's damage type to the same used by frags so it can't damage vehicles.

    it'd go from there to worse and horrible IMHO.
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  18. Movoza

    Aaaand this is the reason that this Daybreak joke is so funny :)
  19. Demigan

    Yeah you are probably right. A power creep could actually still be somewhat interesting, as one of them is probably going to end up creating counters to the other player's changes. This might actually make some interesting gameplay content and a strangely build skill floor and skill ceiling with many avenue's of approach by accident. It wouldn't be that good overall, but it could be interesting nonetheless.

    But the nihilistic approach, where both sides would be nerfed to not be able to fight each other effectively? That would be bad from the first patch, and only get worse over time as infantry and vehicles become less and less capable of doing things to each other until the moment that 6 tanks vs 30 infantry would end up in both sides ignoring each other because they can't do anything to them anyway.
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  20. Trudriban
