[Suggestion] Reconfigure spawns at large bases and remove them from small bases

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Astriania, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Astriania

    Spawn camping is not fun. I think everyone agrees with this, on both sides. So why does spawn camping happen? I think it happens because the defenders have one or at most two spawns in a base, separated from the main objectives, so the easiest way to hold down a base is to camp the spawns.

    There are two answers to this:
    - Remove the fixed spawn. Without a spawn room, there is no spawn room camping; both sides become 'attackers', dependent on mobile spawns and logistics. Or
    - Make the spawn have enough exits in different areas of the base that it's more effective to camp the point and its approaches rather than the spawn exits.

    I would do the first to small outposts, and the second to large outposts and facilities. That gives a balance of two types of fight: at major bases, the potential for late reinforcements spawning in and a large fight (as we see now in amp stations, tech plants and towers); and at small bases, the possibility of a quick capture and the chance of a counter-strike from the next base. It would also mean that new players don't get spawned into a camped room anywhere near as often.

    So the suggestion itself:
    - Remove spawn rooms entirely from all small outposts
    - Make spawn rooms at all large outposts and facilities have clear access to at least one objective point, and give all these bases SCUs (so there is still a way to end the fight early).

    In real terms that means for large outposts:
    - Towers: most towers already have the A point inside the tower, which is okay. A teleport in the spawn section to the far side of the base (e.g. the building north of C at Crossroads) could help too.
    - Tech plants and amp stations are okay with the tunnels giving access to the A building.
    - Bio labs need better escape from the spawn (e.g. teleport to Banana? access to a higher level catwalk?), although as they're a defensive farm most of the time they possibly don't need modifying.
    - Quartz Ridge: needs teleport from the spawn to the west of the base (between A and B), possibly put the spawn closer to C. Currently spawn has no direct access to any points.
    - J908: needs a teleport or jump pad up to C from the spawn
    - Howling Pass: good (A is direct from the spawn)
    - Crown: needs teleport or jump pad from the spawn tower to somewhere down by the existing jump pad landing zone, or south of B
    - Octagon: probably okay but a teleport to the west side would help
    - Terran BL-4: needs a spawn teleport to the north side
    - NC Arsenal: both spawn rooms currently get camped at the same choke point, needs a teleport or jump pad out to the W or SW
  2. Latrodectus

    It happens because players get outnumbered and/or lack any kind of vehicle support. Your suggestions are completely unnecessary, and people just need to know when to leave the hex so they can prepare for a better defense or counter-attack at the next base.
  3. Phyr

    Removing the spawn would mean small bases would never see a fight. Might as well remove the entire base at that point.
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  4. FateJH

    I don't approve of anything that leads to the principle of bases needing to be attacked to be defended.
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