Recommendation - Limit Air Cav

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HellasVagabond, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. HellasVagabond

    For the past week or so whenever i go someplace in ESAMIR, either if that's by Tank, Foot, Liberator or Reaver the sky is swarming with mossies and scythes to a point that you can't actually do much (unless your entire faction is also flying reavers) if anything at all. Left my tank, certed an Reaver, took it for a spin two days ago and as soon as i left the protection of the shield i had not 1, not 2 but 3 mossies on my tail (in the end all 3 landed hits on me).
    So why not implement a limitation on how many aircraft a faction can have at a specific moment in time ? I know there are many people out there who like to farm but this game was never ment to be a flight simulator nor a tank simulator so reducing the amount of aircraft is not really a bad thing.
    I'd like to see the opinion of people who are NOT using aircraft to farm but i know that things are not that easy.
  2. japro

    This would be a sure way to get this forum filled with "OMG, n00bs taking away pilot spots from skilled pilots, NEEDS FIX NAO!"-threads.
  3. HellasVagabond

    I'm quite certain SOE can track and see who use aircav 99% of the time so it doesn't really matter. We need to balance the game before late and that means that we can't have well over 50% of the TR/VS forces in aircraft at all times.
  4. Gavyne

    They marketed this game as a massive multiplayer FPS game, and they also advertised this game to the large Outfits. They can't limit the number of vehicles, and they really sholdn't limit the number of vehicles. It won't work and won't make sense for people in large Outfits.

    The better solution is to simply design better maps and buildings so vehicles get limited access to certain areas. It's a way to limit the numbers without actually limiting them. That's just the better way to go.
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  5. forkyar

    thats a really bad idea,so my answer is no
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  6. Guyshep

    This. It'd be nice if parts of each continent had areas where pulling infantry or ground vehicles is more viable than floating around in aircraft. I don't mean towers, though, I mean outright bunkers, trenches, pillboxes, building complexes, and large caves.
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  7. HellasVagabond

    How can you limit people from flying mossies/scythes by just changing the map ? As things are unless the devs change both the mossie and the scythe nothing will change. Both the mossie and the scythe are smaller and far more agile than the Reaver and that's why everyone uses one. I am not saying limit tanks for example but aircraft that can dominate everything (for example what chance do 5 vanguards have against 1 rocketpod scythe? NONE unless they are all certed with the walker gun) should be limited.
  8. japro

    There could be map regions that have perpetually bad weather and you risk getting struck by lightning when flying in there, also dense fog (that IR doesn't see through) etc. :D
  9. Flarestar

    The answer to this "problem" is the same as it is in every one of the other 8927349823748923 threads trying to claim this is a "problem". Shoot them down.

    If they come back, shoot them down again.

    Alternatively, don't go wandering out solo when your faction clearly has so little control of the continent that they're camping you into your warpgate.

    All your suggestion would do is lose players. This is coming from someone who doesn't use aircraft to farm ground - my Scythe and Reaver are both specialized for air to air, as it's far less effort to simply use a Lightning or a Vanguard/Magrider to farm ground than it is to use rocket pods.
  10. FateJH

    This would be good against ground vehicles only.

    Even with sprawling above-ground complexes enclosed by ceilings and walls, the only way to fix that for Air vehicles is to fix splash damage so that it doesn't bleed through shields or solid walls. I think that would require something more complicated than our otherwise efficient client-side hit detection and that still doesn't address the issue. Even then, Air can still pretty much dominate that by locking defenders into the complex by camping the entrances and only holding off just to allow attackers to swarm in. Subterranean complexes far away from even splash damage seem like something that's far off from where we are, even though I don't understand the exact technical limitations of the terrain map system.

    The ability to fly pretty much anyway ensures that Air can control any location on the map with the insistence that ground should not ever be allowed to hard counter Air ensuring that there's no way to properly fortify a base defense. If attacking Air is shot down by defending Air, what you do think the attackers will do? roll more Air, since that's the only way to hard counter the defensive Air; if defensive Air can't properly counter attacking Air, there's nothing that can be done because no one else is allowed to hard counter the force that can hard counter everything else; this locks the game into a vicious cycle of air dominance countering, where the only limitation is everyone who wanted to roll Air has already rolled Air and some who can not due to performance issues are simply locked out (moi; I'd be chewed up in a dogfight at insufficient fps and draw distance). This strengthens the already overwhelming superiority of Air.

    Hm. Securing Air takeoff points by placing them in shielded hangars, so that nearly-spawned craft can't have their pads bombed to death, might be a start but that doesn't escape the hypothetical vicious cycle.
  11. PsychoBat

    Use less A2G and use more A2A. When I see liberators and ESF with rocketpods farming infantry, I see food for my A2A mosquito.
  12. HellasVagabond

    Some of you are missing the point. 3 hours ago around haven outpost there were 12 mossies ! Can you fathom this ? 12 mossies over a single outpost ? How do you defend against that ? You need at LEAST 12 Reavers which are not really as agile so they'd probably lose or 5 AA MAX's etc. The fact remains and the entire system is unbalanced now. It's hard enough that we have a flying Chinook while the TR/VS have Cobras, it's hard enough to fight with zero weapon stability (NC weapons) fighting against a swarm of enemy aircraft makes no sence.
  13. Arcanotechnician

    Rather than a hard cap, increase the resource cost of vehicles by x% for each one that already exists on the continent.
  14. LameFox

    You need to realize that you cannot win all the time in a game like this. From the sound of it your faction rarely bothers with Esamir (mine is similar) and the enemy simply swarm you because there are more of them and few things for them to kill.

    This is largely a result of the game's score system, as it encourages dominating regions one at a time and ignoring regions where your team is doing poorly. So that is exactly what happens.
  15. LameFox

    1. The reaver is bad right now because the last update screwed up flight in general, and it relied more on the stuff that got screwed up. It'll be fixed eventually.

    2. If they spread out a little so that each one has a view above the other, and rotate to keep their backs safe, even basilisks could deter a single ESF. The point of the walker is having very high elevation, but a group of low(er) elevation units can compensate for that with spacing.
  16. HellasVagabond

    @ Arcanotechnissian

    That could also work yes
  17. Howler556

    the whole problem is that people dont seem to comprehend the idea of support. Tankers are complaining about ESF. ESF complain about AA. INF got the shortstick and are ***** by everything. If you are a tanker running around in the open field without any sort of infantry support, you will die. Your deserve to die. Heavy tanks and large groups of infantry need some sort of AA and AT support. Groups of INF need either a sundy or a few guys with AA rockets along with AT rockets. Tanks need support from either sundies, infantry with AA rockets or their own air support. This all requires team work. Reducing the amount of air power is not only unrealistic but also encourages non team play.
  18. HellasVagabond

    So Howler according to you we simply shouldn't be playing a game unless we coordinate with lots of people so we can defent against air.......... ? Seriously ? I don't recall having that issue in PS1...