Receiving no points for revives

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by thehaireola, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Rizlar

    Just want to bump the thread, as I have been experiencing issues with this too. One session I played, revives hardly ever seemed to give xp. More often than this heals don't seem to give xp either (but this may be because I have a levelled applicator that heals to full faster than it registers for xp gain). Anyway, would be nice to see some fixes as this does seem buggy.
  2. ZombieRommel

    Definitely experiencing this, too. And it sucks because I know it is holding back my cert gain by a significant margin. There doesn't seem to be a definite rhyme or reason to it. When I notice it happening I try to stop reviving/healing for a little while, switch my weapons back and forth, and walk through teleporters to try to get things going again. Sometimes this works, sometimes not. But it's definitely a huge bug for this class.
  3. vrcarnage

    Yup and they need to fix that. Once a person is revived the option to target them should go away. I personally get sick of people doing that stuff. If I see someone sitting up or trying to do a pushup I don't revive again.

    People not getting exp is from taking damage from friendly players. They don't even have to die. If they take 15% or more from ff then you wont get exp.

    They do not have to earn exp. I can't remember how many times I have seen a fresh 15-30 players spawn @ ams and get blow up to get revived by grenade.

    You can hold the revive on them all you want if they have taken a decent amount of ff damage you wont get squat.