@Maggy I've been working on a cinematic for Planetside 2 for months and honestly I'm so done with trying to fly over a battle with light assault and getting sniped. I was wondering if I could get observer cam. My Youtube channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSeidon. If I could get observer cam It would make me so happy. If you could message me on Youtube if anything happens that would be great. Thanks.
Sounds good but I hear Todd is no longer doing the show regularly They have a couple guys that are taking over the show and I suppose Todd might step in once in a while.
Please send me a PM request in regards to Observer Cam. I wish them luck! Running a consistent show takes time and dedication.
Hightlights on FNO 58. 1. Cleggs Amazing galaxy landing, confused the defenders. Mind = blown. Must try tactic. 2. PS2PICKUP shout-out at 57:58 (www.ps2-pickup.enjin.com) - shameless advertisement! *grabs coat*
You have the benefit of having occasional guests to keep things fresh while Todd has tried to solo it for the most part. Adam stops by the lounge via Skype frequently and I have also seen you and T-Ray there but the LA traffic is prohibitive of that endeavor continuing. Kidriot (who lives in the LA area) expressed an interest in dropping by the lounge and they also had an interest in having him in but I don't know what happened to all that. It would be great if that could get worked out!