RECAP: Friday Night Ops - Episode 52

Discussion in 'Friday Night Ops' started by Luperza, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Luperza Community Manager

    Sorry if you felt that way. That's definitely not how I intended it at all. I had a long week, so I'll chalk it up to that. :p I'm fairly certain I let people say all the negative things they wanted to say. I just wanted it to be constructive negative feedback.

    So if a player has something negative, I want to figure out what solutions they see fit and explain from the Development side of things how that works, doesn't work or could work.
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  2. Rockit

    You have a lot more patience than I do. I would have given up months ago. Repetition is not my strong suit but you keep pushing on with a smile and the community should be thankful to have you doing what you do.
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  3. Hoki

    Episode 52 proves beyond any doubt that RED suits you best.
  4. Luperza Community Manager
