Recalculate correct certs, then give everyone a cert respec

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kite Carling, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Kite Carling

    Looking at my server (Briggs) it's apparent that the cert reimbursement had some issues. The top three characters by certs all belong to one account and have over 500,000 certs total :eek:

    Why can't the Devs just run a corrected version of their reimbursement calculator, compare with the results given by the previous algorithm and then recalculate what the total certs should be for each character.

    Finally, reset all certs to unspent. This is then fair, and as a side benefit all the people who wanted cert respecs get their wish too. I think most people would accept a little inconvenience to re-buy their upgrades.
  2. WalrusJones

    I could get a gun with all the sights I never use.............

    I would appreciate this.
  3. NinjaTurtle

    500,000 is ridiculous that is 2.7x more than Buzzcutpsycho who has only 181414cert points total after 1297 hours of playing
  4. Puppy

    A part of the reason players are mad is because ANY certs were given out for free/money.
  5. Eclipson

    Certs should never be earned or rewarded for anything other than playing the game. Giving people certs, especially this many, for buying items on two accounts, is ridiculous.
    • Up x 2
  6. Kite Carling

    True, but we wouldn't be in this situation if the cert levels were sensible. 500k...not so sensible.

    Anyway, what would be wrong with the recalc and respec idea? No one loses any time or advancement in game, they just have to do some re-spending of cert points. Wouldn't take long