Reaver AB nerf/ESF composite armor change

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FireKetchup, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. FireKetchup

    Just wondering, was the Reaver afterburner change an intentional stealth nerf or just a bug? Any word from the devs on it?

    Also, what the heck is the deal with the new ESF composite armor? They "correct" the tooltip so that it reads 12% flak at rank 4 before the patch, and say that it will get buffed with the patch. Now it reads 30% flak, so either it got an 18% buff this patch making flak do 13% less net damage, or they were full of malarkey about this simply being a tooltip correction. It doesn't help that the patch notes could not be more vague...

    Regardless of what got nerfed or buffed, I have a very bad taste in my mouth right now because I can't even figure out what's working as intended and what isn't.
  2. Comptonunhh

    The patch notes are correct saying it was a tool tip fix, the composite armor, even before this patch, gave the 30% protection, the tool tip had the wrong values, thus the correction to the tool tip, composite armor itself as far as damage protection was not altered in any way.
  3. Plunkies

    Supposedly they've said the afterburner problem with reavers is a bug.
  4. FireKetchup

    It was supposedly getting a minor buff according to the devs though.
  5. Comptonunhh

    I sure hope so, that thing gets outclassed by mossies and scythes in every way, the armor advantage is non-existant, and without that its got literally no strong points when stacked up against the other ESF's