Really unimpressed with game QOL right now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kid Gloves, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Kid Gloves

    This isn't an 'I quit!' thread. This is me posting angry because of a string of stupid quality-of-life things that are very clearly the fault of the game, not the players. It's not the end of the world, but for improving the player experience I would strongly recommend these as things to address.

    Players angry at other players is fine - it's a PVP game. Angry at the game itself? Fix your game.

    Insane population imbalances
    When one faction is sitting on 75% population on a continent, there is something wrong. Especially when that continent has the majority of players for the server. This is the result of the combination of the alerts system and a complete lack of any form of carrot/stick for the under-represented factions.

    Yes, it does make for a target-rich environment because for every skilled opponent there are 40 total nubs to shoot (and I suck at infantry combat, so if I'm killing people in infantry combat they must be really, really bad) - but it feels extremely phyrric. And more importantly, it feels like these population imbalances are a result of the game system itself. There is no conspiracy of players, it's simply a byproduct of the game being F2P and the alerts system. PS2 has to wear this one, not the playerbase.

    I've also been on the 'giving' end of a population imbalance, and it equally doesn't make the game fun. Camping spawn rooms with 5:1 or better odds does not provide for good gameplay, and with the number of muppets trying to jump into your line of fire the xp isn't that crash-hot either. The only reason people do it is for the alert xp - at the expense of gameplay.

    How would I fix this?
    a) provide xp penalties for the over-represented faction. Nothing too over-the-top serious - I would cap it at a 20% penalty because you can get big population percentage swings when the overall population of a continent is only 10 combatants in total. Amerish off-peak, I'm looking at you.

    b) change the value of the alert xp rewards (both in-alert boost and final reward) based on population difference. This one should be super-harsh, to the extent that if you're overpopulation by a massive margin (e.g. 70% of total continent population) your alert bonus goes away entirely and your alert victory reward goes down to something really paltry and token.

    The objective here is not to penalise people who are playing their chosen faction, but to force the 4th faction to spread out.

    Vehicle costs and respawning at the warpgate
    Some people do it for kicks. Some people do it by accident. Either way, aircraft-flipping at the warpgate costs you your vehicle timer and your aircraft resources. As a galaxy pilot who loses a galaxy within seconds, this one is reason for me to walk away from the game. If I spawn a gal and it gets shot down I'll wear it. If I spawn a gal and it gets flipped over in the warpgate, PS2 has just taken a step towards having another paying customer walk away.

    This one is very clearly the fault of the game, especially when the incident is an accident. A vehicle that is inside the warpgate should be able to be safely recovered without any cost whatsoever. Even if I fly out, kill stuff, then fly back in again. As long as I'm sitting in my vehicle in the warpgate it is invulnerable, so why is it that it can be rendered totally useless by something so simple?

    This one is so easy to fix: store the vehicle the player last spawned. If it gets destroyed within the WG bubble, clear the spawn timer for that vehicle type and allow the player to respawn the same vehicle type for 0 resource cost.

    The added side effect here is that if you end up spawning the wrong vehicle loadout, you can safely destroy your vehicle and respawn another one with the loadout you intended.
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