real world use cases - FPS boost 48 to 77 - is this a joke?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Umrtvovacz, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. HooWoo

    HIGBEH PLS NERF GOOD COMPUTERS TOO OP!!one1!111!!!!onehundredandeleven!!!1
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  2. Bonezilla

    To add to other people, I do.

    780 and 4670k, 1440p mostly ultra settings.

    48 is like my massive battle fps, something like up in a galaxy I've broken 130.
  3. Umrtvovacz

    Jeez. I hope your post made you feel smart. You should be getting paid for that, as your troll levels are reaching professionalism.

    I am completely fine with people who paid a shi*tload for their PC to have amazing performance. If it wasn't like this there would be something seriously wrong. I just feel SOE is taunting us others who do not have such rigs: "Hey guys look how this amazing new patch increases the performance of your rig from good to awesome! And lets silently ignore those who run the game below 30 FPS because that's a bad marketing and we are not allowed to talk about people like this! Also, number of CPUs a player can have is either 2 or 4, there are no other options!" Thank you SOE for your useless piece of info, but even though you do not realize it, the people who are actually looking forward to FPS boost are most likely those who have bad FPS currently not those who can run the game fine now.
  4. MarkAntony

    any more useless conjecture?
    Where did you get the idea that because they report an increase of performance on one machine from 48 to 80 that worse rigs with less performance are not getting a boost? I can tell you: your own imagination.

    I accept payment in tears.
  5. SquattingPig

    Where is your evidence they aren't doing anything with AMD CPUs? There's no point extrapolating from a tweet from Smedley.
  6. Villanuk

    All the time. What system and what setting are you using?
  7. Cab00se187

    I use the 3770k and had a 560ti in at one point. The card blew goats when trying to run this game so I switched up to a 7850 and doubled my fps
  8. Umrtvovacz

    This game doesn't seem to be using Graphics card, or it's using it very lightly. I am personally CPU bound all the time.
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  9. McToast

    Rarely dropping below 50 with my current rig, sometimes in very very thick biolab fights it goes down to 4x, one time I saw it even at 3x, but the server was dying at that time anyway because 500 people were running around - biolab alert primetime :).

    Intel chips run better than AMD, because they simply ARE faster. You get what you pay for. "But my AMD runs other games just fine" - Yea, because those other games are a) better optimised, so AMDs weaker per-core-performance doesn't matter that much and they are b) more GPU than CPU intensive. Now they are working on better optimisation and you make such a comment? They intend to let this game run for years to come. In 2-3 years nobody who really wants to play PC games will have a computer that can't run this game properly. They plan ahead. I agree, the game sucks with low FPS, I played with an intel core2duo E6750 for 10 months. But my old PC just was that, old. I didn't expect it to run this game smooth. Seriously, get a good PC and you'll see massive improvement in framerates.

    the Toast
  10. Zotamedu

    Too lazy to just open the windows resource manager and check for yourself?
    Luckily for you, I already have two screenshots from a previous thread where people refused to believe something they could check for themselves in two minutes.


    That's my Intel i7 3770 at idle. A bunch of background processes uses a little bit of CPU power but overall very very little.


    And here's after a couple of minutes playing Planetside 2. The only difference between the two pictures is Planetside 2. Note that the overall CPU usage is not accurate since I had to tab out when I took the screen shot and then it parks the game and the total load dives to almost nothing. That's why it's only at 19 %.

    But as everybody can clearly see, the game obviously uses four cores.
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  11. libbmaster

    Dude... It was an example.

    What the devs are trying to say is that you are looking at a sizable jump in FPS. (Regardless of where you started, or how fancy your rig is).

    My FPS ping-pongs to an absurd extent, but on high settings it doesn't get above 48 at the warp gate, and it doesn't go below 20 in a huge fight. (And I'm playing on a freaking laptop). My bottleneck is almost exclusively CPU, so I am looking forward to these changes, even if the low cap of my FPS only goes from 20 to 30.

    Also, if they can get rid of the ping-ponging, then I will be a happy camper.
  12. ColdCheezePizza

    OP get an i5 k chip, that amd cpu is garbage for gaming. I have a 2500k clocked at 4.5 and same gpu as you and get 38-40fps minimum during zergfests.

    Also if people are seeing 1fps drops then upgrade to 8gb ram, my performance was night and day from 4gb and I dont get drops or hitching anymore, SOE recommends 6gb for a reason.
  13. Giggily

    If you bought Piledriver or Bulldozer you kind of deserve what you get.
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  14. Astealoth

    I run about 30 fps in big fights, but I get a lot of hitching and dips to 3 FPS when entering a populated zone for about the first 120 seconds. Only running an i3 dual core 4gb ram and a GTS250 at the moment. Running the default low detail profile with no .ini modifications. I'm fairly happy with the game's performance but I would love to see the hitching and dips smoothed out, makes flying very difficult. Sometimes I'll fly over a big battle and the game stalls for 20 seconds and when it comes back alive I'll be at the deployment screen.
  15. BloodMonarch

    That's odd.... because I get 48 fps in the largest battles. I think you need to add some conditions to your statements...such as

  16. deggy

    I can break 90 in WG and drop to 45-ish in large fights.

    Of course, I also have stints of 0.2 for some strange reason.
  17. Daikar

    Just test it yourself, go into task manager and let PS2 run on only 3 cores you will have an fps drop (if you were CPU bound)
  18. Daikar

    Your CPU is limiting the use of your GPU since it has to wait for the CPU to do it's work first. Get a better CPU and your GPU will be used more.

    ***** please, I'm using a three year old computer and it runs ~60 FPS with everything on high, PhysX on, and vsync.
    :p Goes to show age means nothing.
  20. Wylie28

    I get a minimum of 45 fps in 48+/48+/48+ battles In bio-labs on my laptop all highest settings except pysx is on medium. My laptop is $1200 mostly due to it being a laptop, but my friend build a computer for $450 and it runs PS2 on ALL highest settings even psx all the way up at a min of 65 and then he OC and gets like 75. Don't come up with the excuse of "idk how to build a computer" me and my friend are 16 we didn't kw what we were doing either but guess what? there are instructions!