real world use cases - FPS boost 48 to 77 - is this a joke?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Umrtvovacz, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Umrtvovacz

    Is this some kind of cruel joke? Only way to use "48 FPS" in a sentence when talking about PS2 is describing an unachievable goal. (Example: It's more likely to win a lottery and get hit by lightning on the same day then getting 48 FPS in PS2.)

    Who has 48 FPS in this game in normal play? Seriously? Normal play is not going to the least populated continent, to the furthermost corner, looking at the ground without moving with all settings on minimum. It may be a "real world use case" but it's not a normal play.

    I would kill to have stable 25 FPS with my 8 core AMD and Radeon 7950 in a large outpost fight, but I can provide you with screens of the FPS marker showing over 120 FPS. It would be from "real world use cases", of course.
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  2. Total_Overkill

    I do.... 42 is my standard for Zerg vs Zerg multi hundred person fights... 48 is my average.
    (Never get beyond 60 though, even in warpgate)
  3. Ltshadow

    In all seriousness I get between 30-50 FPS so the prospect of this possibly doubling it is awesome.
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  4. Phrygen

    I run 25 average
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  5. Nocturnal7x

    Well there you go, you have a mid range at best CPU and a mid range at best GPU.

    my 2600k @ 4.8ghz and GTX 780 get me 40 fps at the absolute worst time, but 50-80fps in most battles. I also play at 2560x1440, so that lowers my min and max fps.

    Make sure you turn shadows off, turn AO off, turn vsync off. Im kinda surprised you get such bad fps.
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  6. Umrtvovacz

    You'll be above 30 if what they say is true, that's already playable.
  7. Greddy

    50 fps when zerging. 140 fps when flying.
    In other words: get a better rigg
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  8. Umrtvovacz

    It doesn't matter what kind of graphics card I have or how many cores when this game doesn't use graphics card at all it seems and only 1 core out of 8.

  9. Iridar51

    I do.
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  10. -Synapse-

    I usually get around 32 in medium/large fights. If it's a real zergfest I'll drop down to the 20's and teens.

    The problem isn't the framerate, it's the instability. It'll dip down to 1-5 FPS on occasion and freeze up frequently.
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  11. Umrtvovacz

    Yes, just like me.
  12. Tekuila

    In big zergs I usually dip down to 42-48, and if its a small battle I can have anywhere from 80-160. 200+ in the warpgate.

    i5 3570k OC~4.7 ghz
    GTX 770 MSI lightning edition
    16 gigs of ram... etc.
  13. Robes

    Put enough money into a computer and you can run the game smooth right now, theres just not many people willing to drop 2-4k on a computer.
  14. Umrtvovacz

    So I can't expect too much then if I am on AMD...
    Even if I get 30% boost i will be in 20-30 max in large fights none the less. SOE also don't even mention more than 4 core CPUs anywhere, not on forums or twitter.
  15. Liewec123

    30 FPS in an empty warpgate with everything on minimum (hurrah for 3 year old PCs + bad optimization!)
    new PC arriving next week! :D
  16. Phrygen

    You realize one of the biggest instigators of population issues and negative player retention is FPS quality and game-bugs? And BF4 comes out this week...

    Why people don't see a connection here is beyond me.
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  17. Greddy

    He asked who got 48 fps? well many people got 48 fps and above. BF4 still cant compete with PS2 when it comes to scale and combined arms combat.
  18. Stigma

    I see 48FPS a lot o the time in fairly large battles. It can dip lower than that in the very biggest ones, but very rarely does it dip below 40 these days. I think the biggest zergfights the problem is more that there seems to be "jittering" or micropauses in the framerate moreso than the average FPS rate.

    That said - this quote does not refer to increasing the average FPS from 48 to 77. It is referring to a specific usage case, so view it as an "at the most" kind of statement. That's fine though - they aren't done yet, and at least this means they have made good progress thus far. They haven't been at it that long.

    What does it really matter what FPS you get currently? You will likely get the same percentage of performance increase as everyone else (unless perhaps if you are on a dual-core, which might not net as high gains understandably). I'm not sure why this is something to get angry at. Were you expecting them to say that they made it run 5x faster in the first phase of optimization? ...

  19. Cab00se187

    I run at 50 fps at all times with max settings. 1920x1080
  20. UberBonisseur

    The optimization pass will only be a success if it brings the 15 FPS guys back to 30.

    The players who left are those stuck with < 30 FPS.
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