Ready for testing: Missions Phase 1

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by PS2_Luke, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. gunner117

    Im a NC on matterson and Im with VCO we love to have fun but when theres stuff on comaned or an alart we make squads and try to get the bluebarys in our squads to lision and some time we have to kick them but I think this will help us keep the randoms in line and with there squad leaders im looking forward to it going in the playing survers :)
  2. 7of9

    Well I've tried it on the PTS and it looks like a nice idea, good indicators of the next base to assault and live waypoint to get to. Nice auto updates when the map changes before you get there.

    Having written that I really would stress the importance of being able to turn this off in the UI settings.

    As a BR52 player I mainly run with my squad and outfit and for all of us to constantly see another addition to the UI is just a waste guys really as we simply won't use it or need it. I fully appreciate and support the idea and understand the logic particularly from a new player standpoint this would be great.

    Please give us the option of removing it from the UI as this will be of absolutely no use to me, my squad mates and my outfit.
    Hopefully this is read and registered as a sound option before we go live on the main servers.

    Hope this helps.
  3. Brandmon

    Tried it out myself on the Test Server, and it seems a sound enough concept. Although, despite the fact that it is in its early stages, I can't see it standing on its own feet so that it can provide a player or squads with reasonable challenges, instead of just directing them towards the nearest base that needs attacking/defending.

    Consequently, I hope that the Mission system is complemented by three key features:

    1) Player Generated Missions

    Was mentioned in the topic, but I think we know how much this could add to the game. Squad leaders should be able to set tactical missions for the rest of the faction to be able to do; airstrike requests, infantry support, fighter support, anti-aircraft support, and so on. Such squad leaders are in the best position what is most direly needed at that given moment, thus providing anyone else an opportunity to literally be credit to team.

    2) Sub-Missions

    While the Mission system as it stands should provide direction, sub-missions should provide function. Similar to player generated missions, sub-missions would be automatically generated by the server in connection with the primary mission given whenever certain conditions are met. An anti-air sub-mission could be given if there is a strong enemy air presence in thearea. A point recapture sub-mission could be given if the enemy captured a point. A sunderer search and destroy sub-mission could be given if there are numerous deployed enemy sundered in the area. And so on. While the mission system directing you towards capturing a facility would give strategic direction, such sub-missions would give tactical guidance towards fulfilling the mission itself.

    3) Player Generated Missions/Sub-Mission Selection

    The success of the above two towards making gameplay more interesting I feel would depend on one thing: giving the player the ability to choose which mission would he like to do. If the player is merely thrown missions by the game in a manner beyond his control, then 75% of the time he will ignore such sub-missions altogether. Instead make it so that user generated missions and sub-missions would be accessible as a list, similar to how players can find a squad, and let them choose the mission they are willing to do. Such an interface could also indicate how many other people have took up the said mission so that the player can better judge which missions need his help and which missions have enough people already. Furthermore with some clever UI design, sub-missions can also indicate to squad-less players if there are already squads or platoons that have taken up such a mission; players are more willing to join up in a squad if there is clear common cause.

    To clarify and summarise the bigger picture, Player Generated Missions and Sub Missions would be derived from the Capture/Defend Facility Mission assigned that they are associated with. First players would be assigned the nearest facility of opportunity where they can focus their efforts, and consequently they would be shown a list of either Player Generated Missions of server generated Sub-Missions from which they could choose. Hence, as an example, a player would then have the following after choosing:

    Mission: Capture Tawrich Tech plant
    Secondary Mission: Destroy the Shield Generator (sub-mission) OR Attack reported enemy position (player generated)

    Those are my 2 cents with regards to the mission system. Hopefully they provide quick food for thought and the whole system fleshed out in order to best facilitate teamplay and direction within the game. :)
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  4. Doomzzg

    Thanks for ignoring this entire thread, and the ones in the test discussion subforum. This shows the playerbase once again that devs don't waste their time in this place and sit with their faces glued to Leddit instead.
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  5. Terrasus

    It really showed lol.

    Is it really that hard to make icons toggle-able?
  6. maxkeiser

    We need to be able to turn this missions on/off. Please just put a tick box in the options menu. Is that really so hard to do?
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    Yes just allow us to turn on/off, this mission system
    or at least, to turn off the death-screen :)

    I hate this useless screen, who POP everytime I die, but thank you if that can help some new player.
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  8. Erendil

    We also need to be able to turn on/off the sound effect that plays when a new mission pops up. It's incredibly distracting and is already driving me crazy on the live servers.
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  9. Desann

    I was thinking of posting more feedback about the mission system, then I realized WHATS THE POINT!!!! the devs are going to do what they want anyway.

    Several of us have said it needs an option to TURN IT OFF. Its annoying, redundant, and distracting. It beeps, it flashes, it sucks. Plain and simple. I do not like the mission system, at least in its current form.

    That is my feedback, you can take it as rudeness, but at least it is honest. I DO NOT LIKE IT SAM I AM!

    But like I said, these words and sentences, and ideas will only fall on deaf ears...or blind eyes, since its a forum. But whatever.
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  10. AresxX

    The placement for where it shows the mission is horrible. The reason being is it blocks the capture points for bases. This annoys me and many other people. Or atleast let us disable the missions.
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  11. Scure

    The screen was already full with icons, it would be really nice to disable the icons... the problem is they think the players are stupid and they dont know what to do and where to go... but i think the players just never care about teamplay (except new players)
  12. Noktaj

    I think the system has potential but as it stand now it has actually forced me stop playing.
    Can't bear it one more minute.

    It's invasive, and treat the experienced player like a dumb sack.

    1) You should ALWAYS be able to see the base status (timers and capture points) even if you are not in the same base the mission system says you should be
    2) sounds and indicators needs to be tuned down, possibly turned off entirely.

    My playing style has been completely destroyed by this feature, forcing me to play solo, so I can chose where to fight or to stick religiously with the squadleader even when the general situation would benefit more with me be being somewhere else.

    You have sucked the fun out of the game for me with this "hide the base status" thing.
    Please RETHINK this entierly, and FAST.
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  13. Wecomeinpeace

    It just won't go into my head why it is not toggle-able. The SECOND reply in this thread from february suggests a toggle option. Yet for some unfathomable reason they decided to force it on all the time. I don't get the logic behind that decision, if you have something optional you will make some players more happy since they can play "their way" while making not a single player less happy.

    Have it on by default and make it toggle-able (sound, icons, text, all). Let it run silently in the background for all i care.

    But this decision, sorry guys, i just don't get it.
  14. FBVanu

    turn off missions AND death screen,

    should be an easy button in graphics..

    I can turn off Alerts, turn off the map, hud etc..

    why not those two ?
  15. Bindlestiff

    Everyone has already said what needs to be said. Please make mission system optional on the HUD, or if you simply have to force it upon us, at least have an option to "Show Facility Status In Non Mission Territory" or however you want to word it.
