So I saw a few people on the forums talk about this which supposedly can close things hogging resources and possibly increase the overall fps, I just wanted to know the legality of such a program...I don't want to run anything which gets my account banned... Also, highly doubtful, but a moderator or administrative reply (which would be an insta-confirmation) would be nice...
No its not illegal. I can instantly look at a program and tell if theres a chance to get banned from it, but some people seem to not understand it. Ive lost count of the number of "Is Fraps Illegal" threads Ive seen on every forum in existance. Gamebooster will NEVER get you banned in any game. Neither will video recording programs, overclocking programs, Or steam overlay. And I know Im forgeting a bunch that people have asked about. Some people are very paranoid.
Sorry for not being tech savvy? Oh ok, well thanks, I am paranoid, yes, and rightly so with the huge wage of extreme anti-hacking...last thing I want is to be swept up on charges of wrongdoing and have my account with 15$ into it thrown down the toilet...again, thanks...