Rare archived TR Tank training video uncovered.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stormsinger, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Stormsinger


    That said, have a random idea. With all the 'vehicle ejection seat' discussions occurring, what would people think of a vehicle designed for specifically this type of purpose? A deployable support-oriented vehicle, approximately the size of a harasser - equipped with an aim-able grav pad / launcher, with effective range / force increasable via certs.

    Ok, mainly this post was an excuse to plunk this gif into general, but I still like the idea. :p
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  2. DatVanuMan

    Take my spandex!
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  3. Demigan

    I dislike it as it cramps on the LA's turf. The LA has one ability: jetpacks that give vertical mobility. Even though it would be a much tougher to use thing it would still offer other classes to get on top or into situations where normally only LA's come.
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  4. z1967

    Immediate thought is a vehicle similar to the Bullfrog from RA3. You could use it to launch your hordes of bears soldiers behind enemies. Pretty fun to use imo, could have a place in planetside.
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  5. DorianOmega

    Its been suggested before and was always met with opposition (always something something light assault), personally Id love to see it in the game just to jump over base walls.

    Or instead a new tank gun called the man cannon that functions exactly as that gif shows.
  6. Pootisman

    Im afraid that idea is too awesome. We are only allowed to have boring standard weaponry in PS2.
  7. The_Blazing

    It would be cooler if all vehicles had a certable ejection system that automatically ejected you if the vehicle's health reached 0 an instant before it blew up, à la Titanfall. Of course, the guy blowing up the vehicle would still get your kill XP.
  8. Hatesphere

    pretty much this, it becomes a tool that makes people not have to run light assault to get over defensive barriers around a base. why would my outfit ever use a light assault rush from a sunder on a base again for support if we can just bring one of these and replace 12 LAs with a bunch of medics and heavies raining over the wall from an easily defend position.
  9. Flag

    Komrade Bear is pleased.

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  10. Auzor

    I've proposed stuff for light assaults in previous posts like
    a deployable ladder, a deployable grappling line, that could have an incline. Players could use it to go down diagonally very fast;

    and I've thought about giving LA the option to deploy lifts and jumppads.

    As posted: vehicle with jumpads: then you take away much of the LA.
    Amusing musings: how is the vehicle aimed? (or rather, the jumppad). I propose it would be fixed on the vehicle, or the driver aims & launches you.
    You better be nice to the driver...
  11. phaelah

    This vehicle existed in the golden years of BF2142, except it was a troop transport and not a harasser. Ahhh, The memories of one of the best team oriented FPS ever.
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  12. Flag

    Sigh... The Titan assaults, be it from squad spawns, drop ship, APC pods or from your own titan...
    I miss that game.
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  13. Movoza

    So why not augment the LA? So far the infiltrator is the only person with his own cert on the flash. Why not make a cert for the LA that he and the passenger are launched in a set trajectory. Give it a heat bar to set the strength and off you go! Never get onto strangers flash to prevent grieving boys!
    Flash would be destroyed at use of the ability to prevent abuse of passenger ejection.
    Leave your flash in style as a safe directional explosive rips the flash apart in a fiery fireball and launches your elegant buttocks over the wall!
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  14. Problem Officer

    Need a way to aim it that doesn't just let anyone troll.
  15. m3talc0re

    2142, amen to that, brothers... I miss that game :( I would have no complaints if SOE took lots of ideas from 2142 and put them into PS2. So long as they implemented them right and didn't do a terrible job... The APC's and Sunderer's look pretty damn close to being the same. And hell, the PAC had a hover tank! Coincidence?

    I would also like to add one thing. I want the "common pool" vehicles to have the faction's own flavor to them. I want a TR sunderer to look more TR, same for NC and VS. I'm just sayin' -_-*
  16. SenEvason

    LA get a lot of hate for having a jetpack and C4.

    Now imagine this idea with C4...
  17. t31os

  18. DramaticExit

    Also known as the "Hold my beer, watch this..." gun.
  19. Shootybob

    As a light assault I feel like this only enhances my functionality.
  20. Demigan

    Care to explain how exactly it would enhance your ability, without making the LA less viable an option in any assault?
    The only advantage I can see would be drifter-pack C4 fairies. While in all other aspects the LA would have less profit from his abilities, as other classes can reach most of the same area's just as fast (if not faster) through this canon.