Ramming with a Scythe

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Money, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Money

    After i had my Reaver eviscerated by getting trucked by a passing scythe, I had an interesting conversation with the opposing pilot. I died immediately, yet he flew off with enough health to repair. He immediately apologized to me saying, "Yeah, sorry about that, it's not fair that the collision is measured by the location of the cockpit. Because the cockpit on the Scythe is located inside the wing structure, they take less damage from a collision assuming you hit headon."

    Can anyone confirm this and have i just not noticed this being abused?
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  2. lothbrook

    Scythes are definitely different when it comes to ramming, its like they have nuclear warheads strapped to them if you do manage to kill them as well, i've lost full health libs to scythes that are almost dead hitting me, while i've never had this happen with the other ESFs.
  3. Riku

    What you said is about right. They can easier survive a ram than others. But it's not something you will see frequently exploited because it's not exactly easy to do since it requires an accurate move and is high risk (if you're unlucky the opponent will simply v-thrust up and you will both die & if the enemy is above average in skill you will die before even touching them since you will get shot down with ease if you fly towards them, also they can outmaneuver you in their sleep if you do this and simply kite you along until you die).
    If it happens you can presume it was an accident. It happened to me before, too, but I would never dream of using this as an agressive maneuver because it will just get me killed almost every time.
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  4. Jawarisin

    that's bull. Otherwise if you just clipped your wing, you wouldn't get damaged. It's because of nanites.
  5. PrimePriest

    Vanu are godmode when it comes to avoiding this bollocks debris damage. See, whenever you barely touch any wreckage in Vanguard you're most likely going to die. With Prowler this happens less often. And I've never ever seen or heard of any Magrider dying to debris.
  6. Ballto21

    Thats completely false. Clipping wings still causes damage.

    If you were already damaged and he was at full hp he could have survived, or popping fire supp the second before you hit with full hp will JUST BARELY make you survive and push you into green
  7. Xiad

    Here's a free one for you, guys.

    The Scythe has physics hardpoints in its tail section. It takes far less damage from collisions with other ESFs (potentially generally. Not sure) if it hits with its back end. Pulling up JUST before a mutual ram attempt often results in greatly reduced damage to you and death for the other ESF.

    But don't tell anyone.
  8. Money

  9. Badname82

    It's exactly what Xiad said. It's been like this since day 1 actually, in November 2012. It's amusing to see this topic pop up from time to time, see wrong information from people guessing about the problem, and see VS players claiming "NOTHING TO SEE MOVE ON"

    So...don't let the underside of a Scythe collide with you. If you can't avoid the ram, attempt to collide with the bottom of your ESF instead of nose-on.
  10. CapperDeluxe

  11. Ronin Oni

    In short, everyone can do it, it's just a lil more likely on the Scythe...

    and yeah, I don't know any Scythe pilots that intentionally do it.

    I've intentionally rammed like twice in all my air time, and both times it was because they had an ally come in and start ahooting at me so I was lost anyways and just trying to ensure taking the first guy out with me.

    I died once, and survived the other... of course, as they had that ally shooting at me, I didn't survive long.

    I've also had a several accidental collisions... and I've survived a few of them in a Scythe. I've survived a couple collisions as Mossie or Reaver too, but defintiely less often.

    It's not a Galaxy where you're unquestionably TRYING to ram
  12. Vixxing

    Lol, i randomly flipped my mag upside-down due to pebbles on the ground and when going under low structures/bridges just randomly exploded in my mag, (not to mention it automatically kills all friendly engineers within a 10m radius!)
  13. entrailsgalore

    If I know I am about to hit another ESF, whether on purpose or by accident, I pop fire suppression. If I do it right before collision, I always survive.
  14. Isokon

    That's because the Magrider is usually the debris in question.
  15. MrJengles

    I think the underside of aircraft takes a little less damage. I've survived collisions where both fighters are full health before because they hit the bottom of my Reaver.
  16. Dowlphin

    And I thought the Reaver infantry-instakill payload area was the only quirk with ESF.
    Oh well, I shouldn't be surprised. The devs couldn't even fix a geometry hole in the Scythe 3D model. (Rear edge of wing, you can look straight through towards the front.)
  17. AxiomInsanity87

    Explains how I high speed mid air teabagged a reaver pilot and took minimal damage in my scythe on my alt.
  18. Badname82

    You're absolutely right that all ESF can do it, and it's just a little more likely to work on a Scythe...or perhaps marginally easier to pull off. So if anyone is thinking of trying it in a Scythe just be aware it CAN backfire on you currently.

    But yer wrong about not intentionally doing it...it was WAY worse back in the day (2013) and was a common tactic actually back then. I'm not talking about suicide ramming...I'm talking about intentionally abusing it for kills and flying away, or taking out galaxies by ramming on purpose!

    It was mostly fixed I believe and is less common today. Just for the giggles, some old flashback videos, and yes the first video is really old now so it's not indicative of today's gameplay. So mostly just for nostalgia's sake...I'm trying to find a video from MattiAce that covered this (historically speaking) but failing...anyway, I gotta link the second two because of your comment about galaxies :)

  19. _itg

    Once I instakilled a Scythe with my Reaver and didn't take damage. That was a nice change of pace.
  20. wrenched

    Adding to badname82's list: