That's right you heard it here. There should be tiers of players and if 100 br 100 guys try to get on an alert they get queued. This will somewhat limit lopsided alerts. And promote equal balance. Now I know br is not a perfect indicator but it is worth a try in pts and running a test alert.
So your idea is to put a limit on the amount of people with said br can be in an alert? Sorry to break this to you, but you don't get mlg pro when you reach br 100
I never said that. But quota by br would be the fairest approach. Tier it by groups. 85-100. 65-85. Etc. And then create seperate queues. I really think it would create some great parity on the alerts. Can't hurt to try a little bit.
You're talking about the continent queue, right? This would go against the 'everyone plays in the same pond' ethos of Planetside. Also, why just in alerts? That would be confusing. In fact to have different queues that people get stuck in would be pretty damn confusing anyway (and people would just alt to get around them if it was actually making a difference). Finally, the outfits that 'ruin' alerts are the zergfits with a wide BR distribution anyway, so your idea wouldn't even help.
You remind me of an old former Senator from the State of Alaska named Ted Stevens. Ted Stevens was on the Senate Commerce Committee when he espoused a sincerely held opinion about something he knew next to nothing about: The internet. Now, when you're done laughing so hard your sides are about to burst, let's go back and look at your post: Queue by battle rank. Ok, so, your assumption is that all the high BR players hop onto an alert continent and fill it up, causing all the other players to have to wait. That's just wrong. There aren't enough BR 100 players to actually accomplish that. Hell, there aren't enough players in the game period to fill a continent in favor of one faction or another. In fact, the more populated an alert is, the more EVEN the population distribution becomes. So, there's no need for a special BR 100 queue or any other kind of queue. The internet is NOT a series of tubes, neither are alerts lopsided to favor higher battle rank players. The only time alerts are lopsided in the favor of a single faction is when there are relatively FEW players on at the time, and the last thing we need in such cases is a damn queue that restricts who can play. I propose you change your handle to Ted Stevens (R) Alaska.
i'm BR100 because i've been subbed and had boosts for years, not because i'm some MLG god, BR doesn't always mean leet skillz ya know
How is that fair? I'm not catching on....sooo I can start a new character that is level 1 and have access to all the equipment I already bought....and still make the certs. Thanks for playing or paying can't play this game right now because you may intimidate other people who play this game based on the fact you have a three digit number near your name instead of a two digit. Please go play another game well you wait.... Bad idea...scratch that...terrible idea.